The second day is always the hardest...

Day 1,965, 15:14 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Jimbojoy

This is my second (very short!) update....

Ministries still need your help!

A full list of my cabinet can be found here:

Please read it and contact the relevant minister if you want to help out this month. It can be great to get some experience which might help you to get elected to congress, become a minister, or make the top job and into CP! Start now and you won't regret it! We particularly would like MoH and MoD suppliers!


Yesterday we tried again to wrest initiative from the Argentina, but even with hard supplying and fighting from ourselves and allies we couldn't quite manage it. It's hard to stomach now, but I know eventual victory will taste all the sweeter for the bitter defeat we've suffered. We're now going to change up our strategy and use our allies to our best advantage. We're going after Ireland boys! This may be different to any previous decisions from earlier in the war, but it's the first decisive one I have taken, and I intend to see it through. I too would like to take Argentina to task, but as we saw yesterday, we cannot currently beat them because of their huge time zone advantage. They can afford to pay directly for damage (far more expensive than our tank supplying) to keep in the country. In short their resources are massive, because the baby boom they are getting off of this attack is amazing for them. We are victims of circumstance. Our allies are more able than us to be able to take them on in direct battle, and put them back in South America. If we bridge to Ireland, we can at least ensure a Spanish border, now that we have the initiative. We start by hitting them shortly after daychange tomorrow morning. Ignore the Argentina battle tonight (7/4/13) to have full energy and WAM at the best time for damage use in non-peak hours. Good luck.

