The Return of LfMS - The Aftermath - Further Explination

Day 2,002, 13:53 Published in USA Singapore by Lefty from Mulberry St
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Upon publishing my previous article, I decided that my three eUS universal truths needed some detail and explanation. Again they are:

1) As eAmericans we are entitled to every resource in abundance, regardless to admin's placement of resources on the map or rightful ownership.
2) As eAmericans we must create and maintain status as the most organized, efficient and devastating military force in existence.
3) As eAmericans we the people from which our government is elected from must form independent councils, to accomplish separate goals, not appointed or elected but thrust into place according to their knowledge and expertise and in an effort to assist our elected, and to exploit every advantage available to further the enjoyment of the eAmerican people...

My philosophy here is based on the fact that as Americans, we are the greatest people on Earth, therefore, as eAmericans we should be just as great in the New World. iRL we have things like the framework of our government, our innovative thinking and technology, and our resilience and resolve which withing the limited scope of eRepublik must translate into eEconomic, eMilitary, and ePolitical dominance. This can be achieved by right and just action taken by those who find themselves called into duty on the basis of their ability to deliver tangible results.

As far as going into detail on my three truths, I suppose I'll start with the first: We are entitled to every resource in abundance. This is true because is just is, it is insanity/blasphemy to not have at least two regions or more of every resource under eUS control. It is good for our economy, especially on an international scale and it will create war that will increase retention and in turn also benefit our economy. War is what makes the eWorld keep eRotating or whatever an eWord does to keep going...
As eAmericans we must create and maintain status as the most organized, efficient and devastating military force in existence. That is how we can maintain Lefty's Universal Truth #1 and it's what we owe to ourselves and the world. Our Military must be strengthened and coordinated to a level that absolutely ensures the security of our borders and have plenty left over to go partake in international events outside of our border. Think of it as international policing according to the interests of the eUS people. This can be accomplished by individual efforts and micromanagement of groups, which is sufficiently allowed and in place already due to the current set-up of MUs. Finally, As eAmericans we the people from which our government is elected from must form independent councils. Whoever wins the election, election to election, or receives the appointment, appointment to appointment, may or may not be able to handle every situation that may arise with perfection. Since that wont change I propose that independent groups form from the citizenry, and again "This can be achieved by right and just action taken by those who find themselves called into duty on the basis of their ability to deliver tangible results." that may serve as a council on specific matters they hold expertise in such as economic, military and so forth in an effort to assist when needed with the goal of exploiting any advantages and/or chances to get another leg up that may come our way and execute it in a planned yet expeditious way.

So, congratulations, your reading my article. You either voted or didn't, based on habit or content. Maybe you'll leave a comment or even sub me... Thank you very much, but I want more from you. I want you to join this free thinking revolution. I want to know your thoughts on the matter, as we all have something to offer to the equation that can sum up to eUS dominance. I suppose Radiostar would make a good launching platform too. So get it, it's so easy a Lefty can do it, and Lefty's a douche.