shortfalls of a pacifist

Day 2,233, 06:22 Published in India India by Martin Luther Gandhi

OK so I had this crazy idea to play this social War game called erepublik with the concept of never actually fighting to see how far I can progress and below is a short update:

After 20 days I have hit a bit of a brick wall in regards to what I can actually do, I have reached level 13 with 243/270 XP however as I have yet to fight I can no longer complete the in game missions as they are all military orientated, a negative bi-product of this experiment is that I can not become an adult citizen!

I have 1948 of 2000 storage slots full of mainly food but as I am not an adult this will not increase and so I can no longer work in my own companies.

My strength has advanced to 148.10 but as I intend to never fight strength is nothing more than a statistic which every 35 days or so will see me rewarded with a 5 Gold bonus.

I have 11 Gold and 908 rupee in my account but have no need to purchase any in game products due to the fact that I only work and train each day and so have no need for food and weapons.

I did spend 2 Gold on starting this newspaper which so far has 11 subscribers, hopefully one day I can reach the media mogul mark of 1000.

For now I can only work and train each day and write in the media, I guess the admins have designed the game this way as they would never make any money from a citizen like me as I have no need to purchase their products and so I understand why their structure is military orientated.

If given the chance I would love the opportunity to become an adult citizen so that I could develop the financial side of the game, I would like to build my companies and grow food to aid the development of other players but as it stands this is not possible due to the game blocks of being a pacifist.

Maybe in my next article I will try and start a global campaign to appeal to the admins to adjust the rules slightly so that genuine players like me can advance in the game without fighting.

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