Rex's PCP PP manifesto

Day 2,244, 15:53 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Sir Rex Fleddington

Dear Comrades,

I am here to announce my candidacy for party president for the People’s Communist Party. These few weeks have been hectic, with my position in Kravenn’s cabinet as MoHA and my daily comic that has seen me rise as far as 5th in the top five articles ranking. It has been fun, but with this extra work writing and publishing articles I have noticed the amount of spare online time I have wasted that could have been used more productively on eRepublik. That is why I want to push myself and this party up the food chain, but to do that we need to stand out as the best in the eUK. Here are some ideas that I might be introducing to help our development:

-I noticed that we struggled on voting numbers in the last primary CP election, meaning that our active members has reduced somewhat. That is why I will be introducing weekly forms which will measure the amount of voters that respond to said form and give us estimates in the next CP election. To incentivise this programme, I will be adding impressive rewards for the people who participate in each form. You will find out what the reward is when you have completed the form (a little message at the end of it).

-A few members might have noticed that our actions could have been influenced by outside parties. PCP is the last source of alternate party politics, we must defend this most unique feature and the last remnants of the past to the very limits. Therefore, all decisions will be made by PCP members for the good of, not just PCP, but for the whole of the eUK.

-Competitions will make a glorious comeback. These competitions won’t just be about eRepublik and push this button or push that. They could vary from best joke to PCP island survival. These games will also vary from source to source as I will use the forums, IRC meetings and articles to get the most out of our entertainment.

-I will be incentivising the party positions. This means that if the party position holders actually create PCP articles that help recruitment and entertainment, then they will be rewarded with weekly gifts. This might include: +1 higher position in the congress list, financial incentives or a reference for the next CP candidates to give them a higher position. Obviously it will be up to the party position holders to decide their reward from a multiple choices. This works either way though as if nothing is done then I am not afraid to give someone else the amazing opportunity.

-Our wiki hall of fame is low on numbers. I will ask for nominations every so often to add some of our most prized members into it’s illustrious list.

We should also be seeing a few more Comrade Dogs and a few more pool parties. I will re-introduce my amazing party messaging system that brought our party close together and I will try to push our forum activity higher.

Vote Sir Rex Fleddington for good times!