Please sign topic on forums to demand answers from admins!

Day 2,113, 00:30 Published in Greece Armenia by Internetus Internetian
Moderators have locked the topic and again have refused to answer us erepublik users as to what is needed for adding an ecountry. They have told me to write a ticket, which I have a course. You can see the dialogue in an older article I wrote. I have therefore made a new forum topic, and asked the same questions that they continue the skirt for the last 5 years. This is the new link. Please sign it or write something. Thank you.
Please write something or sign this forum thread

I could start this article with how the admins didn't transfer 17 gold from one of my old orgs to me, money that could have helped the Armenian Movement here on erepublik; but, I wont get into that. I could start this article with how the admins deleted one of my articles for no good reason, where I was asking for help for eIran against eTurkey; but I wont get into that.

I will merely say I am really fed up with the slow response of these admins. They make a lot of money off this game, we deserve to receive proper customer service. I don't know what the acceptable response times are in Romania, but in most countries keeping a client waiting for 5 years for a response is unacceptable.

This game is based off a sense of nationality to promote interest in the game, and to progress in it. It is what keeps people two clicking everyday, because even if they get bored, they still do it for a sense of keeping pride in their nationality by representing it here in this political simulator. It is actually a lot like football. While you may watch the sport because you enjoy it and get pleasure out of it, just like you get pleasure and enjoy this political simulator, you deep down also are motivated and enjoy a sense of pride of your nation being promoted to the top of a game that pits different nationalities against one another. By continuing keeping some nationialities from representation, while having bias for others, this comes off as an insult!

I ask, please everyone that reads this, to sign my forum asking the moderators the actual policy in adding a country. A answer that they have refused to let the world know for 5 years!!! It is time they answer!

Please sign the forum topic: