Pickle Power [UPDATE v2]

Day 5,248, 20:59 Published in Canada Canada by Thedillpickl

Hi kids!

Well... Damned if I know how to start. I know, strange for me to be at a loss for words. I guess the way to explain it is like this. Ya ever see some idiot driving along with his/her coattail sticking out the door, dragging through the mud and snow? I'm the coattail.

Ok, onwards and upwards!

Click on image for music.

Stand up and be counted
For what you are about to receive
We are the dealers
We'll give you everything you need
Hail hail to the good times
'Cause rock has got the right of way
We ain't no legend, ain't no cause
We're just livin' for today
For those about to rock, we salute you
For those about to rock, we salute you

Well Here We Go

Vexing Chaos, aka Chance, released his article. If you haven't seen it yet... https://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-chaos-in-canada--2750488/1/20
Comments are a bit rough, just saying.

I've been out last couple days after a trip to the optometrist. Don't worry, I can still see. 🤓 (Actually I only need readers now.) Cutting it close but allow me to share a secret. When everything is good Canada practically runs itself. Of course with tons of people working in the background. God bless 'em.

Thank you Party Of Opprobrium for supporting me. Much thank to others who've encouraged and offered their support. And of course, thank you to the MDP.

The Cabinet, Amended v2

This is the Cabinet I want got.

We've got some things to sort out.
Update to be announced.

A Pickle Barrel Exclusive!

Goodnight Canada,