Pentru Serbia! For Serbia!

Day 1,422, 08:15 Published in Romania Romania by Alex Craciun
Suntem in razboi cu Ungaria. Stim foarte bine ce simtim atunci cand Transilvania subit se face verde si noi vedem rosu in fata ochilor. Nu acceptam, desi In Game nu inseamna si RL, ca regiunea pe care o vor cu asa ardoare sa fie a lor.

Cert acest joc are si aspecte nationaliste pentru care multi dintre noi nu ar fi aici azi. De aceea, va indemn la vot! Sustinem efortul Serbiei de a avea Kosovo ca si regiune! Asa cum i-am sustinut si in nenumarate alte ocazii, bineinteles in viata reala.

Kosovo as a region of Serbia!

English Version

We are at war with Hungary. We all know very well how it feels when Transylvania suddenly turns green and we see red in front of our eyes. We do not accept, even if In Game is not the same as Real Life, that the region they long for may become theirs.

Certainly this game has nationalistic aspects too because otherwise lots of us wouldn't be here today. That is why I ask you to vote! We support the effort of Serbia in this endeavor, the same way we did it on other real life occasions. Kosovo is Serbia!

Kosovo as a region of Serbia!

Alex Craciun