Newbie news!

Day 2,187, 13:26 Published in Belgium Netherlands by Ministry of eBe Education

Hello newbies and less-newbies! 🙂
This is your awesome

speaking! 😃

First of all: a quick reminder on how to grow as strong as possible:

- Gold: keep your gold at all costs, spend it only to upgrade your free Training Ground during the sales! (all prices go -45%!). You should only use your free Training Ground until you completely upgraded it and the cheapest one! Until then don’t pay to train!

- BEF: be smart and spare money!
> Get in the military
unit ABC!
For every day you fought you will get supplies the day after!
> Fill this in every day for free supplies!
> When you have to move to do your 25 kills: go on the battlefield, under
the flags you will find the allies of the country. Fight from the nearest
ally country if it is cheaper than going straight to the battlefield!

- Bazooka’s and energy bars: save them! Use only when wanting to win Battle Hero! (highest damage of a battlefield)

- Experience: You get it every time you work, train or fight. Experience is bad! Avoid it as much as possible! Do your 25 kills, not more, or do no kills at all! Having a low level and high strength is so much fun!

See more detailed version below!


Breaking news!
Our government says we have intruders in eBelgium willing to seize power!! That’s why they asked Poland to conquer our land! Don’t fight for Belgium unless the President explicitly asks for it asks for it! Do not support any Resistance War! You would waste 1000 BEF for nothing!

Forum news!
This is what people talk about in forum!
- The intruders!
- Other complex virtual legal stuff some weirdly like to enjoy quarreling about! 😛
- What is to visit in Brussels!
- Hoping this year the big Christmas Tree in Brussels won’t be as ugly!
- Playing games! (like slapping each other, telling their child traumatisms, … yeah, don’t try to understand)
- And much more!

!Mission!: Bunny invasion!
1. go to our forum !
2. Make an account with your eRepublik name and present yourself on the “Welcome” section!
3. Once an admin has given you access: Go to “Ministery of FUN” and post the picture of a bunny anywhere!

Rewar😛 100 BEF!

This is madness! You don’t know what is happening in #eBrussels! Belgians are crazy! They have the weirdest inside jokes! And they have fun like no tommorow!

!Mission!: Hola Pinata!
1. Go to #eBrussels !
2. Insert your eRepublik name!
3. Once you are in: smash our IRC admin Director9! (to do this, type: /me smashes Director9 with a wooden stick .)
100 BEF!

- If you ever wondere😛 Azotium is absent! Had Real Life calling! Like his eLife wasn’t Real enough! 😃
- I’m the new commander ad-interim! Nice to meet you! Please don’t burn me yet! Watch out I got the supplies!
- Some of you have received a BEF donation lately! This is a compensation coming from NLSP, our President! One of his ministers told to fight for Belgium’s liberation without the President’s consent! This minister was fired and those who supported or burnt their reserves on the fight were compensated accordingly!
- Thanks for answering my poll! It gave me some insights I will use!

!Mission!: eBelgian philosophy!
1. Join the military unit ABC!
2. Go to your main page and click on the tab ABC of your blue shoutbox at the right hand side!
3. Post the weirdest philosophical question you can think of!
Fun! No, no BEF! You’re all going to ruin me! 😃

Other news!
- Ministers of Education of the whole eWorld joined forces to create an IRC-channel where newbies like you can come anytime to ask questions! #noob ! Go to #eBrussels and type: /j #noob ! For less-newbies: Stekaren actively searches experienced people to staff the channel!
- eRepublik will soon celebrate its 6th birthday! Admins might come up with something!
- Our President enjoying being a One-man Congress! Celebrated it in his jacuzzi!
- I am Chihiroh and I’m doing fine! If you ever wondere😛 Yes! I’m putting exclamation marks everywhere for no reason!! But you’re used to my awkwardness by now, right?! 😃


!Mission!: Ego pumping!
1. scroll down to the comments of this article!
2. Tell me in a comment how awesome you are!
3. add lots of ‘!’ like I do !!!!
100 BEF !!

And now, a quick guide to help you start leveling up by my smart and badass vice-Minister!


Experience Points (EP, XP) represent the knowledge that a citizen reached in eRepublik. Experience Points will help you unlock features within eRepublik, such as fighting in wars or running for elections.

To level up you need a number of XP. Early game, it's easy to level up, but after level 20 it gets harder.

There are 3 ways to get experience:

1. Work (2xp / 10 health)
2. Train (2xp / 10 health)
3. Fight (1xp / 10 health)

- This way is the fastest to get experience points, as there is no daily limit. Working and training is limited to the number of appropriate building you have.

-> Many young players think that their priority is to level up quickly. However, this is not recommended by older players. That is because of the battle system in eRepublik.

Battles and how they link to leveling up

A battle is now divided into the four division battles with each having its own battle:

Division 1: National Guard -> levels 1 to 24
Division 2: Soldiers -> level 25 to 29
Division 3: Special Forces -> levels 30 to 36
Division 4: Tanks -> levels 37+

If a citizen of experience level 26 enters a campaign to fight, he will only fight in the Division II battles.

What does this mean for you?

If a young player levels up quickly, he will soon get level 25 without having enough strength to be competent in division 2. That means, it will be harder for him to get Battle Hero medals, for which he 'll have to use a lot of bazookas and energy bars.
Also, he will waste a lot of food and there is always the risk of someone surpassing him in the last minute.

On the other hand, if a player doesn't hurry on leveling up, he could get level 25 already having more than 5 Battle Hero medals and enough strength to get even more in D2.

Click here to learn more about this!

That is all for now! Just need to add the PS! No, not the party!

PS: Newbie missions for newbies for lovely newbies only! Lvl 29 maximum! Not giving money to oldfags! I hate oldfags!

Just joking! I love you all!

Take care and with lots of virtual love,

Your vice-minister of Education

Your minister of Education
(Psssst, you! Yes you! If you need help or have any question about the game, send one of us a message!)