Nem-poénos különkiadás angolul értőknek az MPP szabályokról

Day 370, 07:47 Published in Hungary Slovakia by Kovacskoko

Aki akarja és ráér, lefordíthatja és elküldheti a Főszerkesztő Pajtásnak! 5 HUF-ot kap a fáradozásért az első!

Érdekes finn cikk:

Oops! The Admins Did It Again!

I sent the following message to Cristi some days ago:

Greetings, Cristi

I am sorry to bother you like this, but there are few questions that I need to have a fast answer. The War for Finland is about to continue in few days, and some matters have to be cleared. I would have contacted the admins but they never answer me in less than a week. It would be much appreciated if you could clarify the following matters:

1. When a MPP triggers, is it possible to sign separate peace with that country?
2. Are the nations that join the war trough MPP only able to defend? They can't attack the wall? What about the people in the attacked province? Are they only allowed to defend?
3. In the wikipage it reads, and I quote: "MPP work always and only for the regions that belong to original countries (a region that in real life doesn't belong to its eRepublik owner)". Does this mean that when Finland declares war on Norway and only attacks its own RL national provinces, no MPPs can trigger?"

Cristi answere😛

"Hi there,
1. Yes. For example Romania signed peace with the allies of Hungary
2. When counter attack is issued, the attackers will enter the battle with their allies and so actually, both countries will find themself in a situation where both allies can join the battle
3. Does this mean that when Finland declares war on Norway and only attacks its own RL national provinces, no MPPs can trigger? Yes

As we now found out, all the answers were complete and utter crap. No separate peaces can be signed and all MPPs triggered. Now, I am a patient man, and I rarely get angry, but if the admins do not have the courtesy to answer why the hell they are intentionally giving wrong information, I will declare a full hate campaign against them. The war would not have been started had the admins for once told the truth. Weeks of planning flushed down the toilet because the admins do not know how their own game work.

Will we tolerate this kind of behaviour from developers, who are suppose to make the game to us, the users? Should we accept that they ignore and lie to us? Since when has it been the policy of game developers to treat their customers like dirt?

I for one am starting to get sick of this. I know at least one person who will stop playing this game unless this kind of behaviour does not stop.