My run for Party President

Day 1,298, 19:49 Published in USA USA by Mourning Star

It is with great honor that I write these words of joy,
I have been nominated to run for Federalist Party President!
First things first, let us get some particulars out of the way
I have been:
An eight term congressmen
Leader of Easy Company Militia
Military Director for the Federalist
Creator of the Federalist Bureau of Investigation
Member and Director of the Bureau of Financial Intelligence(eUS)
Member of IES
Ambassador to the United States Workers Party
Precinct Captain for the Fed Outreach Program
Deputy Director of the Fed Recruitment and Retention program

Now, with those credentials out of the way, on to the fun!
As you may have noticed, the Federalist Party is the best damn party eRep has to offer. That being said, I aim to keep it that way! We have a breadth of talent in Leadership roles, no reason for that to change. What I what to have happen is an increase in Party parties...Lets get the new faces into IRC, on the forums and into Leadership! Let us draw from out player base, create excitement about being involved with the party and increase membership! The more members we have that are active...the more chances we have to do something good for the eUS.
Gnilraps has been doing an awesome job with recruitment and retention, and I plan to keep that momentum going!! I plan to get the Fed Academy up and running as well. Education plays a big part in player retention. So lets get out there and cram some knowledge in those melons!
I plan on having Havocpwn as my Vice Party President. His depth of experience and knowledge on all things eRepublik, and Federalist, will ensure the party stays on its current course...UP!
Well ladies and germs, this concludes my broadcast day, hope to see you REAL soon from the chair of Party President!!