Let the best offer win!

Day 1,558, 08:55 Published in Canada Bulgaria by egad

Today is an election day. If you are not involved in politics you can understand that from the bribing offers all around us. So let make it easier for all of us and publish them here so everyone can pick the best price for his vote.

I’ll start with myself. I’m offering to cover your moving costs in both directions.
The best price so far comes from hk-*** - 30 q6 tanks and 1g for 1 vote.
The next one is Pata***22 - 1 gold.
Killer*** – 500 CAD.
If someone else wants to be a part from this dishonorable list post your offers in the comments and let the richest win.

Now seriously. Do you really want to be a whore in a virtual world?