Lefty has spoken...

Day 693, 14:35 Published in USA Singapore by Lefty from Mulberry St

I'm Lefty from Mulberry St. I'm Director of Internal Relations for the P.O.T.A.T.O.E. Organization. Heres the part where you come in: We have 30+ manufacturing jobs, 20+ construction jobs and 10+ land jobs and are looking for some citizens willing to support our cause and work at these companies. We have a ilitary group called Templar Knight Command Org that admits non military only, any rank and distributes equiptment upon deployment. We have a dwindling political party you are welcome to join, we plan to use it to represent the needs of our ever growing number of employees.

PM PrudeJ630, RoboJibbs or me for details.

P.S. In the course of dealing with my rather unfortunate and long-standing medical condition, hopefully to be finally diagnosed tomarrow, I have created the Lefty Diet and do not recomend it to even my worst enemies.


I miss chewing food. I've discovered that TV sucks. I'll never enjoy au jus again after this BS.