Kami: Round 5 End

Day 2,451, 23:02 Published in Canada Canada by Jenavive RoseThorne Gemstone

The last battle in the first of many wars has been finished. Our contestants this time was tword pete and firecomet234.


Grammar and Spelling: 13/20
Originality: 6/20
Form and Flow: 17/20
Power and Entertainment: 15/20
Word Choice: 12/20

A nice total of 63/100 point. Good job 😃

Tword Pete:

Grammar and Spelling: 20/20
Originality: 17/20
Form and Flow: 18/20
Power and Entertainment: 14/20
Word Choice: 17/20

And their total is 86/100- one of the highest I've ever seen.

It looks like Tword has won and is now able to continue on. Thank you for participating Fire- it takes some strength to post your artistic work on a site where others may critique you.

Moving on~

There shall be a 24 hour break before the next round, starting from 12 am on Thursday to 12 am on Friday.

~~~~~~~~~~~~Article Written By: Jenavive RoseThorne Gemstone~~~~~~~~~~~~