Just for respect

Day 4,788, 03:54 Published in Iran South Africa by SepehrBlackWolf

Hello allies, friends and enemies
I am not very good at writing articles, but I felt it was the right thing to do in this situation
I am neither a thief nor a coward, which is why I want to explain
In the last two or three weeks, I started using bombs to become a hero
And because of the cost I had and the expiration date of the bomb and not having enough time, I had to use the thieves' medal behavior and be able to prevent harm to myself and my weak account.
And I really did not intend to upset the rest of the players. Please share this article with your friends and let them know.
This article was neither intimidating nor threatening, only for mutual respect
Wishing you a good and beautiful year with your family friends
Your friend Sepehr Black Wolf 07