It is good to be visiting but it is better at home

Day 652, 16:34 Published in USA USA by Silas Soule
It is good to be visiting,but it is better at home

"I sit on a man's back, choking him and making him carry me, and yet assure myself and others that I am very sorry for him and wish to ease his lot by all possible means - except by getting off his back." -- Leo Tolstoy

Every day that goes by, the reputation of e-Russia, the unwelcome guest, suffers another blow:
* All that talk of righteous vengeance for Atlantis attacks on Russia has been turned into a joke as Russia's colonialist and imperialist foreign policy becomes obvious.
* The Russian press is increasingly host to blood-curdling vows of world domination. That only serves to unite the e-world against Russia.
* The world laughs as PEACE takes the most valuable Russian lands hostage, while the PEACE puppet-masters let Russia do its dirty work in America.
* Despite empty rhetoric from blowhards like that psikh "Comrade Stalin" that "billions" of Americans are "defecting to Russia", Americans in Russian-occupied lands are practicing economic sabotage and preparing for massive resistance.
* The on-going occupation of American lands is creating enormous ill-will towards Russia.
* The eerie similarities noticed between the FRP and the USWP make many Russians wonder where is the fun in eRep when a small group of manipulators can dominate the political life of your country.

Luckily, there is a solution!

Go home. Russian friends, go home and play gorodki with your neighbors. If you stay in America much longer, you're just going to end up learning to love baseball, apple pie and American football.

Focus your formidable political and military will against your real enemy: the PEACE puppet-masters who have occupied YOUR country.

Make new friends! Now that Russia has shown its strength, don't waste it by turning into hated imperialist occupiers. Show the strength of your souls instead. When a resistance war starts up in the Occupied Territories of America, click to the Left and fight RED!