Issue 2 Sunday 7th June Day 2756

Day 2,756, 01:15 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by Hamza Azeem
The Islamabad Times.
The Empire has Fallen

Sumadija Serbia, The Empire state of Serbia has fallen
After being an empire state since I started playing 2 months ago The Serbian Empire has finally gone bellow the the 4000 points mark and has lost its status as an empire in the list of nations according to power.
Punjab is captured

Punjab Turkey, The last remaining territory of Pakistan has been lost to the Turkish Government.
The Pakistani government has said that these territories were given to Turkey on rent and would be given back by Congress elections
India invades Kashmir again
Jammu and Kasmir Turkey, India has again invaded Jammu and Kasmir just like it did in 1948 we will have the result of this war tomorrow

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