Interview with the SG of Andes

Day 3,493, 01:23 Published in Hungary Czech Republic by B. Mester

We all know, that the countries of the Asteria conquered whole South America. Some players of the conquered countries founded a new alliance. The alliance of Andes. So Andes is a verry young alliance, so we don't know much about it. I asked the firs SG of Andes,Zek Punga about the alliance and the alliances future.

1. Why did you found the alliance Andes?
-More than an alliance, Andes is a cultural project to integrate Latin American communities. It's the materialization of a cultural interaction that has been developing for several months now outgame.

2. Is it easy to lead the South American countries to hit coordinatly?
-There's no thing such as easy coordination but, there is one thing we noticed, for cultural reasons the communication is easier between our countries, in addition to language we share many other things in common. Besides the coordination between the Andes countries has been in operation for a few month now. The creation of the Andes has been more an injection of enthusiasm and a test of trust in the future of the regions.

3. What do you think, why did the Asterian countries conqure the South American countries?
-Asteria + allies, as for today, make up the world's most powerful block at a time when global damage is way out-of-balance. There are more and more countries lining up behind Asteria out of fear of being invaded or, for some benefits. So it is inevitable that the few remaining countries in the resistance will be the focus of imperialism. Not only South America is suffering the Asteria offensive, but rather all the countries of the former Syndicate, the last major alliance that dared to face them.

4. Have you got a battle plan against Serbia?

-The South American liberation plan is the same plan that has been working well for us for the past against powerfull countries like Bulgaria, Macedonia, Iran or Lithuania. The time zone prime tends to play in our favor, it has been seen that it is very exhausting and very expensive to keep invaded countries like Argentina or Chile. Because they are very active communities and both countries with imperialism in their, evenmore they have some great strategists devoting themselves to the sake of their countries. In addition to that, those countries dominate a vast majority of the damage during european nigh time. All of those points add up to one thing, in the long run, it is a pain in the a** for any invader to keep any country invaded it doen't matter how powerful they may be.

5. Wich countries help you the most?

-Brazil is a historical ally of the Andean countries and the coordination with them remains very fluent, we know that we can count on Greece and Croatia too, as well with some friendly MUs from allied countries like Hungary, United States, Italy, Turkey or South Korea.

6. Why do you named the alliance Andes?
-The Andes mountain is the mountain range that crosses South America coast to coast. As in the same way the Andes alliance must be, a chain that interweaves the cultures of all the communities of South America as one.

Hajrá Andes!/Go for it Andes!/Vaya para éj Andes! само напред Andes!/Du-te pentru ea Andes! Mennä sitä Andes! Heja Andes!