Interview with the CP of Poland

Day 3,502, 10:53 Published in Hungary Czech Republic by B. Mester

Poland is a strong and stabile country in Europe. Beside their RWs, they conquered Turkey with some other members of Pacifica.
I asked Kherehabath about his and Polands past and future.

1. You are the ambassador of eRepublik. How did you get this medal?
Probably becouse of site but im not sure 😉 I was very active in past and i did smth for erepublik community i think 😉

2. What do you think about the community in the game?
Well our content dying, many very good journalist died already and a lot of those who still playing dont want to write anymore. This is very sad. 2 days ago i removed dead players from my friends list, last time i did this 2 years ago. Result: from 8k friends 4.7k left. Our MU dying too, we had good unites in Poland and large part from this biggest is practically extinct.

3. What do you advise for the beginners?
Best choice for me: buy pp and be active in air battles, after 2-3 months buy bp too 😛 Spend some rl cash! Only in this way you can keep interest in the game. Thats sad too.

4. Poland conquered Turkey with some allies. Why was it?
Becouse was hard to find a place for TW. Nothing special i think. We just must have some fun from time to time. They behaved rudely so that was natural choice.

5. What do you think about hungaryan-polish friendship?
We are in good relations and we are always rdy to help each others in battles. We have difrent point of view but we still can cooperate. Pls pass my best wishes to all Hungarian ppl!

5+1. Do you want to say anithing else?
Thanks for interview, i wish you all the best. Best regards from Poland!