Interview with I-Bleed-Blue

Day 1,875, 12:02 Published in Canada Canada by Zianni Vaatez

Writer's Block!

Note: All answers are in bold and may be Relevant

Hello, I-Bleed-Blue-93!

I am iZianni, lord of irrelevant interviews. You have been bribed by myself to partake in this interview, so you have no choice in the matter.

Question one,

What is your favorite part of eRepublik? (Mechanics, Community, the gameplay..?)

I actually quite enjoy the Political side of eRepublik. Being an avid member of the MDP and one of their Congressmen I get to be quite involved in eCanadian politics and the like. Saying that I like the community and the people who I have had the pleasure of working with these past months (Muglack, MaryChan, Shoi12, etc.)

Next Question 07


Who do you think has the best username thus far into the game?

Hmm, I find the usernames of Prophet of Mitos and Light of Palaero to be good, mainly as they are used as titles and the like for their MU the Holy Order and it adds a fun aspect to the game that you don't always get to see otherwise. I don't much care however for Zianni Vaatez's username...not very fun at all 😉

Your opinion has been noted and deemed irrelevant. Moving on,

If you were exiled from eCanada, where would you go?

My opinion is extremely relevant!

I would have to say that I would go outside, it has been so long since I have witnessed the light.

Interesting, now that all the irrelevant questions are out of the way...

Why did you choose this particular name and why is it so awkward to type? More so, do you ever mistype your name when logging in.

I chose "I-Bleed-Blue-93" because it is relevant to me IRL, I am an avid Leafs fan as I live in the GTA and the 93 is the number of Doug Gilmour (my favourite player). and that is irrelevant as it can easily be shortened to IBB or IBB93 or even without the hyphens (Ibleedblue).
and nope, not ever as I keep it saved in the box 😃

Interesting, this is quite relevant to the question. Are you sure you're not brain dead? No, scratch that. It isn't a question, it's simply irrelevant it's just amazement.

Moving on,

On a scale of 1 to 10 in the scale of Relevance, how much of a dick do you think I can be in the next six relevant irrelevant questions?

It is irrelevant what I think about this question...but 7?

It's relevant, trust me. I am lord of irrelevant questions, but it seems me repeating my title is only going to be more irrelevant. Moving on,

Fill in the blanks,
Hello, my name is ______
________ Are a _______
Please, ____ out of my _____
You ____

If you insist. "Hello, my name is" irrelevant.
Rarely do I do these because they "are a"
Ruse and an irrelevant waste of time usually. "Please,"
Excuse my relevance because I am "out of my"
League with this one. "You"
Thank you. o7

If anyone gets the hidden clue, you have my praise. Alas, I'm just a fool.

Next question,

If you could credit your success in eRepublik to anyone, who would it be? Relevant answers only please. (I'm sorry, Zianni Vaatez isn't a valid question this time.)

To any one person? Hmm, that is a tough one. It is a close tie between Muglack and Mary Chan I think. Muglack is largely responsible for my relevance in the MDP today as he gave me a shot to be someone after he took over. But Mary Chan is in large the reason I even stayed with the MDP, she is the one who restored my faith in the MDP when it looked like there was no hope. Not being able to decide between the two I'd say one of them. Much respect to each of them. o7


Next question,

Rylde has just been elected as CP, (As we all know). Under his Administration as CP, how much do you think eCanada will change this month?

I expect that eCanada will undergo great change, albeit mainly in foreign policy and international relations. With the alliance options on the table and Rylde encouraging trade embargoes with our enemies eCanadians can, I suspect, expect to see a very exciting month ahead of them. Also, it is can always expect a fun ride with Rylde in charge. 😉 o7


Next question,

What kind of mouse do you have? (Logitech/Etc)

Haha, actually I don't have a "mouse" per'say. I use a R.A.T. 3 Gaming "Mouse"
It is truly a wonderful piece of technology that more than satisfies all of my gaming needs. 🙂

Next question,

In the previous question, you said you're a gamer. What games do you frequently play other than eRep?

I play a huge variety of games. From RTS games such as the Age of Empires series, to Empire Strategy games such as the Civilization and Total War Series. I am also a FPS fan especially for MMOFPS's such as Planetside 2 and Counter-Strike. I also play a large variety of mainly console games such as Assassin's Creed, Halo and all that (not to mention many sports games (NHL 13)). So to answer your questions outright...many.

I also play CS and Civilization, perhaps we could have a Civ Tournament in the near future. Gold prize of course for those who are interested. 😛

Which alliance do you think eCanada would fit in the most with? (Asgarde/EDEN/ETC)

Perhaps, I do quite enjoy the concept.

As for alliances it depends on the path that these alliances take. EDEN has historically had Balkan-centric goals and therefore has sacrificed many smaller nations to focus on those goals, however under new leadership EDEN could reshape and reform to become the alliance it once was. Asgard is a very interesting choice as it has the potential, IMO, to be more than it currently is and grow into something bigger and stronger, and therefore more relevant. Seeing this, if eCanada joins Asgard and potentially eIreland and maybe even eRussia then Asgard has great potential. Then there is the other end of the spectrum with the CoTWO options, in recent history these nations have been our enemies and therefore joining one of these alliance would mean abandoning our historic(recent) allies from EDEN and TERRA. Therefore I am for Asgard with the potential for growth, or remaining pro-EDEN Neutral. o7

Next question,

What is the meaning of life?

life [lahyf]
1. the condition that distinguishes organisms from inorganic objects and dead organisms, being manifested by growth through metabolism, reproduction, and the power of adaptation to environment through changes originating internally.
2. the sum of the distinguishing phenomena of organisms, especially metabolism, growth, reproduction, and adaptation to environment.

I didn't ask for the definition, but touche.

Insert Question Here, ask yourself anything you want to answer or announce.

Q: Why is Zianni Vaatez getting so lazy that he can't even come up with his own questions?

A: Because Zianni Vaatez is lazy and irrelevant 🙂

Last Question,

Since so many parties/players have Animal/People Mascots, what animal/Human do you think properly represents you?

I think that my profile pic accurately describes me. For those who don't know it is a Soldier of the Adeptus Astartes (Space Marines) from the Warhammer 40k universe. A devoutly loyal and ever faithful warrior of the Emperor I feel that it reflects my deep loyalty and eternal faith in what I stand for in game, i.e. the MDP and the Holy Order. Therefore my answer is a Space Marine.

Great answer! Thanks for your time, IBB. You've answered every relevant and irrelevant questions I had for you.

A true champion, folks. Give IBB a pat on the back for dealing with my audacious attitude.

Audacious indeed. o7

How many times did we use the word Relevant/Irrelevant/Relevance/Irrelevance in this article? First person to answer correctly gets five Q7 Tanks.

Thanks for reading and spam IBB's inbox.