Indonesia invades Armenia: eIndo PM Says AG to Blame

Day 5,133, 08:54 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by DBCookie

No it's not a drill, no it's not a training war, Indonesia are attempting - to steal a phrase from a fellow citizen - to make Armenia great again.

Prime Minister of Armenia released this dispatch about an Indo airstrike.

So the battle begins, how do the two countries shape up?

ELection Winner: J A M E S./The Left Party/76.19%/\16 votes
Election Winner: Gajah.Mada/UDELOE/41.35%/\86 votes

Hmm, I really doubt our TW partner is going to defend itself on their lonesome. I'm pretty sure this will definitely affect our training war though, how else is this affecting the global stage? What is the reason behind this seemingly unwarranted attack?

The PM of Armenia gives no definitive answer because it seems only Indonesia and their CP knows this. However he suggests that, simply because they are bigger and badder that Indonesia is throwing their weight around. Looking at the battlefield at the moment:

It doesn't seem to be going too well for the home team.

Goodluck FMailed, you'll need it.

It seems I can't stop writing about the nice folks at AG, but here they are again commenting on this war, and indeed it seems some members, former and current have been attempting to defend Armenia. Were they truly fleeing a toxic environment that they tried to warn us all about? There is many accusations and unverifiable insults being lobbied at the Indonesian administration, however what is clear is the Aussies are involved in the mix.

Election Winner: Lawkee /The Imperial Party /100%/\20 VOTES

With AG members directly linking to Lawkee's articles about their rival Maxdi.

Lawkee even went the effort to get a decent translation of his article. What's most interesting about this are the comments below. Such as this explanation of past AG/Maxdi tensions. No explanation as to the war with Armenia that I can see yet though, perhaps the President of Indonesia if they are reading this, would like to comment?

Bottom two comments have been translated (take with a pinch of salt)

The Australian leader has announced an open borders policy, perhaps anticipating some refugees from Armenia? Or maybe some more Indonesian exiles? Is there a new global conflict shaping up on the horizon? This sleazy journalist hopes so, I'll have plenty to write about.

It doesn't seem that Japan is too involved, but their flag is accompanying Indonesia on the war stats, so here's their stats:

Election Winner: Masaharu Homma/Jinmin Sensen/73.33%/\44 votes

Japan seems too busy with Empress Day Elections. If you aren't feeling like joining the constant stream of epic battles in Armenia, head over to Japan, weeb out and vote for your favourite waifu, I mean Empress.

They have recently started a training war with Poland

And they have a politico advocating for socialism:

A very interesting country worth a visit, now that you'll have some free time after Armenia can't come out to play with us.


It was epic battle after epic battle, once eArmenia was made aware of the attack it hit back hard. It seems the element of surprise worked to eIndonesia's favour as the early advantage from their shock attack proved too much to beat. Bravely though, the defending forces and rallied allies made their attackers fight tooth and nail for every point. Maxdi, AG's nemesis even had to slum it in division 1 to make sure the victory was clinched.

This article published in eArmenia claims that this entire war has started due to Armada Garuda.

The Prime Minister of eIndonesia publishing an article in eArmenia? Propaganda? Madness? A casus belli after the fact? Crip, the Prime Minister, claims that the government has tried to contact this group countless times, that they have disrupted government plans multiple times.

So an entire country went to war against another, simply for harbouring a group of mercenaries, and didn't bother to tell anyone till after it was done? I don't know what to believe, perhaps I was wrong in my suspicions of AG, perhaps I do not know the half of it. Put on your tin foil hat for a moment..

What if AG are merely pawns in a game of governments? Are they being used willingly? Is the entire purpose of their existence to give the eIndonesian government an excuse to go to war? I'd like to think so - it'd mean I could sell more papers.

Looks like this storyline isn't over yet, let us hope it doesn't spill over into the eUK.

I don't believe the eUK has a mercenary group, if anyone would care to correct me? Perhaps I should start my own, the drama alone would be worth its weight in articles.

This publication denies any culpability in international incidents