Indian Bulgarian Agreement

Day 2,286, 07:10 Published in India India by Martin Luther Gandhi

OK so for those who do not know the situation is quite simple.

a) India and Bulgaria are true brothers who would sacrifice everything for one another
b) India only has a small population but many original regions (not all owned)
c) Bulgaria has a large population but many regional enemies
d) Bulgaria and India both struggle on a monthly basis to hold a region and subsequently a congress
e) India struggles to have an active Government
f) Bulgaria have many active players who don't get the opportunity to be in the Bulgarian Government due to supply/demand positional issues

Now for the idea (drum roll)

The Indian and Bulgarian Governments should make a new strategic agreement where Bulgaria would declare an Air Strike on India and set up a new base on Indian soil, if negotiations can also be held with Croatia then a deal could be struck to allow Bulgaria to obtain maybe 4 or 5 regions here with one of those regions then being re-released back to India

Once Bulgaria have a long term military base in India then the agreement can be extended further, for example each term the Indian President should invite the Bulgarian President to select a small group of Politicians who have unsuccessfully applied to be part of the Bulgarian Government to be part of the Indian Government, the obvious advantages of this are that more Bulgarian players can be actively involved in the political side of the game and develop in India whilst the Indian Government will be more active due to the increased numbers, win/win

No financial fees should be exchanged in these agreements as we are brothers however simple agreements can be made to further extend the concept to make it a long term success, this all depends on the imagination of the people in charge of each Country I just wish to feed the idea, I hope someone active can take it to the next stages

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