Independent candidate for the congress

Day 1,557, 00:52 Published in Canada Bulgaria by egad

I’m an eCanadian for over a year and last month for the first time I was a congressman here. I was a congressman in Bulgaria many months ago and I have to say that there is a huge difference. In Bulgaria the main topic is the military module - with whom to sign a MPP, whom to attack and with whom to sign a NAP. Everything else is not of such importance and is almost not debatable. While in eCanada the members of all parties debate about who would be the Speaker, Emperator, Comptroller, why to pardon or not someone, .... Yes these are all important issues but in an imaginary world these are even more imaginary posts and somehow I feel I have a lack of imagination for such debates.

My understanding of the game is to be at war against an enemy, to fight for new resources, or at least to have a training war. That is what would attract more people to join erepublik, that is what would rise our economy, that is what would make our currency more valuable and this way we would have the possibility to buy more weapons and to make the difference in any war. As a congressman I made a topic about this in the closed door congress with some proposals but almost no one supported my opinion. That is what made me think that none of the Canada's parties really fits me and I decided that I should run for the congress as an independent candidate. As this game doesn’t give us such possibility and as it seems everyone is capable to do whatever he wants and still stay “eCanadian patriot and hero” then why can’t I run for the congress under the banner of a party controlled by such “great” man without asking the party president?

So if anyone share my point of view and thinks someone must represent his opinion in the congress please vote for me (egad) in Scotland under the banner of Norsefire - Rolo Chapter. I’ll pay for your travel expenses. Thanks in advance!