Holy Frickin Sachamoe! Late night up reading eRep BS!

Day 709, 21:50 Published in USA Singapore by Lefty from Mulberry St

Help a noob Day is upon us... I'm buying food and gifts, help a noob Day stimulates the economy... Participate! I think thats how you spell it... Perticipate. O wel.

[url] http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/eluminatti-for-a-better-enk--1006636/1/20 [/url]
While the P.O.T.A.T.O.E. Organization continues our efforts by means of currency stockpiling, I have found somewhere else to bide my eRep time. Though currently in eGreece for somewhat obvious reasons, my current interest is eNK.

eUS is doing just fine... As has been said better than I will, in a hundred other articles, we're a stronger eNation after PEACEers invaded. BTW \o/ For frickin Alaska, We can sell Q2 food again! Buy Steak and P.O.T.A.T.O.E. Q2 food. 100% of profit goes toward good things...

A stronger eNK is a stronger eUSA!

Eat your veggies...

Vote For The PEACE Chicken!