Hoist That (USWP) Rag

Day 3,185, 10:14 Published in USA USA by Gnilraps

Day 3185 of the New World
August 9, 2016

Hoist that rag!

Today I announce my candidacy for USWP President.

And rather than map out a list of things I’d like to accomplish (which is honestly not that long, but don’t be judgy), I’d instead like to simply address my reasons for wanting to find myself back in the PP spot.

USWP is really the WORKERS Party.

And there is something about that word that attracts me. I am a fan of well-geared systems. I like game mechanics. You might say that in this game I treat “game mechanics” as a sort of “god”. In other words, if there are “commandments” in eRepublik, they derive from game mechanics.

And when I think of the word “WORKER”, I think of someone who is doing things that WORK.

For me, a WORKER is someone who also sees the game mechanics as having a god-like influence on game behavior. I may WANT to do something different, but because game mechanics exert a more compelling force, I END UP doing what WORKS.


I really, really am.

And you can't say it hasn't worked for me...

And so whatever influnce I might exert in this game, I want it to be as a multiplier of WORKERS.

I want the people I come into contact with to see how I engage this game - as a WORKER of game mechanics - and then want to engage the game similarly for themselves - as a WORKER.

So you might say that after all this time in this game, through my start as a Federalist where I learned the soft social side of the game to my time as founder and first PP of We The People where I got to meet some new players and experience the urgency of establishing a party image to my time with SFP where I experienced RP to a level I’d never seen before to my two stints with USWP… you can understand what I mean when I say I know where my home is.

I am actually a PROUD WORKER.

I like it.

It is very much my party. And here is where it is most possible to express a superior kind of game best, specifically as a card-carrying member of the United States WORKERS Party.

And most of all, I think that I should be the face of this Party for a while, so I can better fulfil my mission of influencing more players to be WORKERS too. If you are relatively new to this game, there are mostly worse things you can do than saddle up alongside of me. So saddle up alongside of me. I’ll help you become a WORKER too.

Who else is a WORKER?

Wild Owl - chief architect of eUSA and #1 in eUSA's "Power List"
Inwegen - most sought-after Presidential Advisor in eUSA History
SColbert - creator of the popular "Daily Briefing"
Pfeiffer - Pfeiffer
Derphoof - the guy who should have been CP instead of Yui
Hadrian X - Commissar of all things eXcellent
khoto - who always knows what's F**Ked Up

And of course many more masters of game mechanics.

It's a list you should want to appear on...

So for me it’s back to the President’s chair for the umpteenth time. (If my count is accurate, this will be my 11th term as President of a T5 party).

I intend to rely on several of our also-active members to keep me abreast of what’s going on over there at The IRC. I don’t shop at The IRC, the prices are high and the quality is low. But I want to know what’s on the shelves, so people are gonna keep me informed.

As for everything else important that a PP does, I mean, look at me. I can handle it.

So let’s “Hoist that USWP Rag”. Vote for Gnilraps. Join us and become a true WORKER, for that is how to win the game.

And a few notes about the other projects I am working on:

EZC Airborne Division applications are currently closed. We are processing all of our new Airborne members; getting them set up and ready. If we find more room on the roster, we’ll let you know.

And remember that the EPA is still seeking qualified individuals to serve our Nation in the great cause of ending Global Warming. Send me a PM if interested.

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