Help Wanted - Indian Foreign Affairs

Day 2,418, 18:48 Published in India India by Martin Luther Gandhi
Day 2,418 @ 18:45

I have volunteered to help the Indian Government for a period of one month to help stabalise our ever evolving foreign affairs policy and to help forge out a long term strategy which will bring about growth and prosperity for our great nation.

I am an old player with a new account but I hope to bring about fresh ideas as I am not influenced by what has happened in the past and I strongly believe that we should talk to every nation who is directly involved in our affairs so that we can set about achieving the goals that we set as a nation.

My personal belief is that we as a nation should stand proud as eIndian's and not deal directly with those who choose to try and oppress us however this does not mean that cordial discussions can not be held between parties in a hope that more suitable solutions can be found.

The challenges we face should not be underestimated as right now we have multiple enemies on our land whose combined populations exceeds 11,000 people and so sadly we can not realistically expect to fight a War in which we can win however we do have our pride and dignity and should take them into the negotiations ahead.

I appeal for help and that is why I have wrote this article, if you are a young eIndian who is not happy being oppressed and you would like to directly get involved in the political side of the game then now is your chance to do so, simply drop me a private message with your thoughts and ideas and I promise that you will directly be involved in the future path of eIndia as first a minister and then no doubt a future leader.

I also would be overjoyed if any senior players would directly volunteer to help out but from past experience I don't believe this would be the case but I appeal to any of you who are reading this to maybe give a second thought to possibly making time for 10-20 minutes a day to help me out as we all know that one person can only do so much and that only by working together will India ever truly reach it's full potential.

Thanks for reading and please do contact me to get involved!

*sry for the lack of graphics!