Day 1,588, 11:03 Published in Greece Greece by Stan CCCP

Are you a citizen in a miserable ONE country?
Are you envy of all the bonuses that only FEW countries in Erepublik enjoy?
Then this is your chance to make some GOOD MONEY exploiting the HUGE bonuses that Greece has!

This is the chance of your e-life to transform to a FILTHY RICH player and make your dreams come true!
And not only that! Having a greek CS make you one of the few and privileged but with STYLE!

Are you already rich? Then it's in Greece that you will achieve the higher STATUS that you can in our e-world.
Being a greek citizen enables you to become a member of the more prestigious club in Erepublik, the MYRMIDONS ARMY!

You don't care about business? You are only interested in power and control?

Plenty of opportunities ONLY if you have a greek CS!
We have a shyteload of political parties, most of them with just a handful of members, ripe for PTOing!

Become a Party President, Congress Member and ... why not? COUNTRY PRESIDENT! Our treasury is loaded with money and it's almost at your fingertips!

So, don't lose time and apply for a greek CS. Contact me for prices and make your dreams come TRUE!

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