Day 3,698, 21:34 Published in USA Pakistan by Dio Mudd

Greeting, ladies and gentlemen, Harcourt Fenton Mudd here, and today I’d like to talk about the corrupt actions of our so-called elites.

The tax increase really shook things up, didn’t it? For the first time in a while, we’ve seen real opposition to the elites’ agenda: transfers to the CBO barely passing, displeasure being freely and widely expressed, radical parties gaining more and more members while establishments parties lose members. The people are finally beginning to question those who rule over them, and the elites are rightfully afraid. And in retaliation, they’ve began passing out censures galore, and talks of a future dictatorship echo throughout the hidden forums and discord channels of our tinpot aristocrats.

What compels a man to larp as a tyrant in a browser game, I do not know, and frankly, I don’t think I'd like to know. I'm sure whatever it is it’s heartbreaking. Truly sad!

A member of the elite hard at work

I would like to claim that these recent actions are nothing more than the death throes of a wounded animal, but that wouldn’t be true. Alas, the great beast still lives. With hungry eyes, It still preys upon the people of America. And it hates those who dare stand against it.

The treatment of my dear comrade Franklin Stone is but an example of that hate. Frank has served in Congress countless times and is great champion of the people and well-respected member of the Erepublik community. He’s just a all-around great guy. And yet our elites completely and utterly despise him. I’ve never such grotesque hate and vitriol in my entire life. They take every opportunity they can to mock and degrade him. Here recently, they even went so far as to censure him just because he dared to ask a few unfortunate questions. There are even those amongst the elites who claim the censuring isn’t extreme enough and that he should be blacklisted. What gall! What pettiness! What corruption!

Who are they going to try and ban next? Me? After all, When I was in Congress, I voted against their outrageous work tax increase and I spoke out against the unjust and illegal censuring of Dariuswolff and Bob Boudahili. Perhaps one day they’ll accuse you of looking at them in the wrong manner and ban you as well.

Hell, maybe they should just ban everyone! That way they can play in their little sandbox without anyone questioning them and hurting their precious fee-fees.

FREE FRANK! Shout it in the feeds, write articles, let it be know that we will not tolerate their corruption any longer. The line must be drawn here! This far no further!

The vote to censure Franklin Stone:

The discussion to blacklist Franklin Stone so far:

You humble Harambist,

Harcourt Fenton Mudd