Enemy Of The State

Day 1,305, 15:25 Published in Israel Israel by Filthy McNasty

Hello Great Israel, i come to you today to speak the truth as i always do, i read two articles earlier today and both speak the same thing i speak today. For the most part i like the guy who wrote this article http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-nothing-and-nothing-1800922/1/20 have kept silent, however at this time in the name of the Israeli citizens would like to declare a neria the number 1 enemy of the state. he has selfishly stayed in office knowing himself that the canidate he ran against would do a much better job, actually a rock or a sock puppet would do a better job, at this time i would like for the israeli people to petition a neria to do the right thing and resign from his president position

i urge all citizens to sign this petetion below in the comment section