Day 4,771, 10:32 Published in Croatia Austria by Jacques de Mollay


Američki Sea, Air, Land timovi (morski, zračni i kopneni timovi), poznatiji kao Navy SEALs, su glavne specijalne postrojbe američke ratne mornarice, dio komande specijalnih operacija (USSOCOM) i komande mornaričkog specijalnog ratovanja (NAVSOC). "SEAL" se piše velikim tiskanim slovima te se odnosi na zajednicu američkog mornaričkog specijalnog ratovanja (Naval Special Warfare Commmunity). Akronim je izveden po njihovom kapacitetu funkcioniranja na moru, u zraku i na kopnu. SEALsi mogu biti samo muškarci koji su u američkoj mornarici. CIA-in visoko tajni odjel za specijalne aktivnosti (Special Activities Division) i više specifična elitna grupa za specijalne operacije (SOG) regrutira pripadnike iz SEAL timova.

Suvremeni Navy SEALsi imaju svoje korijene još od II. svjetskog rata. Američka mornarica prepoznala je potrebu za prikriveno izviđanje amfibijskog napada i obalnih fortifikacija. Kao rezultat, izviđačka amfibijska škola osnovana je 1942. u Fort Pierceu, Florida. Izviđači i istraživači su nastali od promatračke grupe u rujnu te godine, odmah devet mjeseci nakon napada na Pearl Harbor.

Smrt Osame bin Ladena
Iza 01:00 ujutro (po pakistanskom vremenu, PKT) 2. svibnja 2011., vod od 24 Navy SEALsa iz Crvenog eskadrona iz DEVGRU-a, zajedno s vojnim psom belgijskim ovčarom (malinoisom) zvan Cairo, 55 dodatnih SEALsa za potporu u slučaju iznimki, te EOD i CIA-inih osoblja, je ubačeno u područje stanovanja bin Ladena i njegovih suradnika uz pomoć pilota iz 1. bataljuna 160. avijacijske pukovnije za specijalne operacije koji su prevozili SEALse u nikad-prije-viđenim modificiranim stealth Sikorsky MH-X PR 52 Black Hawk helikopterima napravljenim u Području 51, su neutralizirali Osamu bin Ladena u Bilal Townu, Abottabadu u Pakistanu, 56 km dalje od Islamabada, cijela akcija je trajala svega 38 minuta. U konačnici je usmrćeno 5 osoba (Ibrahim, Abrar i njegova žena, Khalid i Osama), a svi pripadnici DEVGRU-a preživjeli su misiju, osim što je jedan od helikoptera grubo sletio zbog problema s vjetrom i uzgonom i nije mogao dalje letjeti, stoga je Black Hawk morao biti demoliran eksplozivima. Timovi su navodno imali 4 minute da sakupe što više dokumenata u kući Osame zato što su Pakistanci poslali dva F-16 mlažnjaka zbog neobavještavanja o provedenoj raciji. Predsjednik Barack Obama kasnije je potvrdio smrt bin Ladena, ali nije izravno spomenuo da je DEVGRU umiješan, samo je izjavio da je "mali tim" Amerikanaca poduzeo operaciju da obore bin Ladena. Službeno ime operacije bilo je "Neptunovo koplje". Truplo bin Ladena je bačeno u sjeverno Arapsko more jer nijedna okolna država ga nije htjela imati.
Selekcija i trening
Kvalifikacijska vježba za blisku borbu (CQ😎.
Obuka za SEALse je jako rigorozna, jedna od najtežih na svijetu. Nekad i više od 90% kandidata odustane tijekom vježbi. Jedan SEAL provede više od godinu dana u okruženju formalnog treniranja prije nego bude nagrađen značkom za operatora specijalnog ratovanja (Special Warfare Operator Naval Rating) i bude upisan u mornarički popis klasifikacija (NEC) 5326 kao plivački borac. Svi Navy SEALsi moraju pohađati i položiti osnovnu "A" školu, poznatu kao BUD/S (Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL). U nekim slučajevima, osoblje iz stranih vojnih snaga koje su u savezničkoj koaliciji s SAD-om budu pozvani za sudjelovanje u BUD/S treningu. Svake godine oko 1000 muškaraca započne SEAL trening. Iako stope uspjeha variraju po klasama, obično oko 200–250 polaznika uspije proći svake godine.

Trening se sastoji o😛
• pripremne škole koja traje 8 tjedana
• osnovnog podvodnog demoliranja/SEAL (BUD/S) koje traje 24 tjedana
• padobranske škole koja traje 3 tjedana
• kvalifikacijskog treninga (SQT) koji traje 26 tjedana
Nakon diplomiranja SQT-a, vježbenik dobije prestižni "Trozubac SEALsa", otada se može početi zvati Navy SEAL. Zatim su dodijeljeni jednom od SEAL timova ili SEAL timu zaduženom za dostavu vozila čiji trening prije implementacije traje 18 mjeseci prije njihovog prvog šestomjesečnog zadatka koji se sastoji o😛
• posebnog individualnog treninga
• trening za rad u jedinici
• trening za grupno izvršavanje zadatka
Oni upisani mornarički SEALsi sa željom medicinskog rejtinga će krenuti na napredni medicinski tečaj (koji je pružan od strane Specijalnih snaga Američke vojske) prije nego se pridruže ekipi i postanu SEAL liječnici (Hospital Corpsman). Oni koji žele časničke položaje prisustvuju u treningu za juniorskog časnika da bi naučili o planiranju operacija i kako napraviti izvješća za timove. Sveukupno, potrebno je više od 2,5 godine da bi u potpunosti Navy SEAL mogao ići na misiju.
Zahtjevi i uvjeti
Navy SEALsi moraju biti u formi, tj. tjelesno-fizički sposobni, psihički-mentalno oštri, zreli i otporni. Kod onih koji žele postati SEAL-ovci određuje se njihov potencijal za uspjeh u zajednici. Osim ispunjavanja osnovnih uvjeta za upisanje i pridruživanje mornarici, zainteresirani kandidati moraju zadovoljiti stroge fizičke i mentalne zahtjeve.
Da bi se dobio Navy SEAL ugovor, kandidat mora proći fizički probirni test (Physical Screening Test)
Polaznici moraju biti stari od 17–30 godina. Vid mora biti ispravan 20/25. Neispravni vid mora biti barem 20/70 u najgorem oku. Daltonizam je diskvalificirajući. Kandidat mora biti američki državljanin s diplomom srednje škole, zaposlen u američkoj mornarici ili imigrant s kartom I-551. Također se treba provesti istraga polaznika za sigurnosno odobrenje 2. stupnja (tajno) koju provodi određena organizacija, to može biti veoma dug proces koji traje otprilike 2 ili čak 18 mjeseci, ovisno o pravnom stanju kandidata. Ako je istraga prošla bez ikakvih problema, sigurnosno odobrenje je dano kandidatu, što znači da smije imati pristup povjerljivim informacijama. Polaznik treba završiti test ASVAB, općeniti tehnički bodovi moraju biti 107 ili više, kod borbenih operacija 90, i kod fizičkih testova 98 ili više.

SEAL timovi
SEAL ekipe organizirane su u dvije skupine: Mornarička specijalna ratna grupa 1 (zapadna obala) i 2 (južna obala), te dvije skupine su pod zapovjedništvom komande za posebno mornaričko ratovanje (NAVSOC/NSWC) koje se nalazi u bazi Coronado u Kaliforniji. Od 2006., postoje 8 potvrđenih SEAL timova. Izvorni SEAL timovi tijekom vijetnamskog rata bili su odvojeni na zapadnu obalu (Tim jedan) i južnu obalu (Tim dva).

The U.S. Sea, Air, Land Teams (Marine, Air, and Land Teams), better known as Navy SEALs, are major U.S. Navy special units, part of the Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) and the Navy Special Warfare Command (NAVSOC). "SEAL" is written in capital letters and refers to the Naval Special Warfare Community. The acronym is derived from their capacity to function at sea, in the air, and on land. SEALs can only be men who are in the U.S. Navy. The CIA’s top-secret Special Activities Division and a more specific elite special operations group (SOG) recruit members from SEAL teams.
Modern Navy SEALs have their roots since II. world war. The US Navy recognized the need for covert reconnaissance of amphibious attacks and coastal fortifications. As a result, the Scout Amphibious School was founded in 1942 in Fort Pierce, Florida. The scouts and researchers emerged from an observation group in September of that year, just nine months after the attack on Pearl Harbor.
Death of Osama bin Laden
After 01:00 am (Pakistani time, PKT) on 2 May 2011, a platoon of 24 Navy SEALs from the DEVGRU Red Squadron, together with a Belgian Shepherd (Malinois) military dog called Cairo, 55 additional SEALs to support the case exceptions, and EOD and CIA personnel, were brought into the residential area of bin Laden and his associates with the help of pilots from the 1st Battalion of the 160th Airborne Regiment for Special Operations transporting SEALs in the never-before-seen modified stealth Sikorsky MH-X PR 52 Black Hawk helicopters made in Area 51, neutralized Osama bin Laden in Bilal Town, Abottabad, Pakistan, 56 km away from Islamabad, the whole action lasted only 38 minutes. Eventually, 5 people were killed (Ibrahim, Abrar and his wife, Khalid and Osama), and all members of DEVGRU survived the mission, except that one of the helicopters landed roughly due to wind and buoyancy problems and could not fly further, therefore the Black Hawk had to be demolished with explosives. The teams reportedly had 4 minutes to collect as many documents as possible at Osama’s house because the Pakistanis sent two F-16 jets for failing to report the raid. President Barack Obama later confirmed bin Laden's death, but did not directly mention that DEVGRU was involved, only stating that a "small team" of Americans had undertaken an operation to overthrow bin Laden. The official name of the operation was "Neptune's Spear". Bin Laden's body was thrown into the northern Arabian Sea because no surrounding state wanted to have it.
Selection and training
Melee Qualification Exercise (CQ😎.
Training for SEALs is very rigorous, one of the most difficult in the world. Sometimes more than 90% of candidates give up during exercises. One SEAL spends more than a year in a formal training environment before being awarded a Special Warfare Operator Naval Rating badge and enrolled in the Navy Classification List (NEC) 5326 as a swimmer. All Navy SEALs must attend and pass Elementary A, known as BUD / S (Basic Underwater Demolition / SEAL). In some cases, personnel from foreign military forces that are in an allied coalition with the United States are invited to participate in BUD / S training. Every year about 1000 men start SEAL training. Although success rates vary by class, usually around 200-250 students manage to pass each year.
The training consists of:
• preparatory school lasting 8 weeks
• basic underwater demolition / SEAL (BUD / S) lasting 24 weeks
• parachute school lasting 3 weeks
• Qualifying Training (SQT) lasting 26 weeks
After graduating from SQT, the trainee receives the prestigious “Trident of SEALs”, since then it can be called Navy SEAL. They are then assigned to one of the SEAL teams or the SEAL team in charge of delivering vehicles whose training before implementation lasts 18 months before their first six-month task consisting of:
• special individual training
• unit training
• training for group task execution

Those enrolled Navy SEALs with a medical rating desire will embark on an advanced medical course (provided by the U.S. Army Special Forces) before joining the team and become SEAL physicians (Hospital Corpsman). Those who want officer positions attend junior officer training to learn about planning operations and how to make reports for teams. Overall, it takes more than 2.5 years for the full Navy SEAL to go on a mission.
Requirements and conditions
Navy SEALs must be in shape, ie physically-physically fit, mentally-mentally sharp, mature and resilient. For those who want to become SEALs, their potential for success in the community is determined. In addition to meeting the basic requirements for enrollment and joining the Navy, interested candidates must meet strict physical and mental requirements.
To obtain a Navy SEAL contract, a candidate must pass a Physical Screening Test.
Participants must be 17-30 years old. Vision must be correct 20/25. Impaired vision must be at least 20/70 in the worst eye. Color blindness is disqualifying. The candidate must be a U.S. citizen with a high school diploma, employed in the U.S. Navy, or an immigrant with an I-551 card. An investigation of the Level 2 security clearance (secret) by a particular organization should also be conducted, which can be a very long process that takes approximately 2 or even 18 months, depending on the legal status of the candidate. If the investigation passed without any problems, security clearance is given to the candidate, which means that he may have access to confidential information. The student must complete the ASVAB test, general technical points must be 107 or more, in combat operations 90, and in physical tests 98 or more.
SEAL teams
SEAL teams are organized into two groups: Navy Special War Group 1 (West Coast) and 2 (South Coast), and two groups are under the command of the Special Naval Warfare Command (NAVSOC / NSWC) located at Coronado Base in California. As of 2006, there are 8 certified SEAL teams. The original SEAL teams during the Vietnam War were separated into the West Coast (Team One) and the South Coast (Team Two).

SEAL team 1 Worldwide 6 platoons Coronado, California
SEAL team 2 Europe 6 platoons Little Creek, Virginia
SEAL Team 3 Middle East 6 platoons Coronado, California Team 3 specializes in Spanish.

SEAL Team 4 South America 6 platoons Little Creek, California
SEAL team 5 Worldwide 6 platoons Coronado, California
Special Naval Warfare Development Group Worldwide Confidential Dam Neck, Virginia SEAL Team 6 was disbanded in 1987. The Navy established the Naval Special Warfare Development Group, also known as DEVGRU ...
SEAL team 7 Worldwide 6 platoons Coronado, California
SEAL Team 8 Africa 6 platoons Little Creek, Virginia
SEAL team 10 Middle East 6 platoons Little Creek, Virginia
SEAL Vehicle Delivery Team 1 Worldwide 4 platoons Pearl Harbor, Hawaii
Little Creek, Virginia, San Diego, California


Pistols / secondary weapon
Heckler & Koch Mark 23 Mod 0 is one of the thoroughly tested pistols, the project dates back to 1991 when H&K started developing pistols for USSOCOM. SEALs use this gun when they are in jungles and tropical forests.
The SIG-Sauer P226 is a basic SEAL pistol, used by federal agents and a number of other law enforcement agencies including the FBI, Texas Rangers, Ohio Road Patrol and Michigan Police. SIG has exceptional ergonomics and balance.
The Heckler & Koch HK45 is an extremely reliable compact pistol.
It is used more as a tool than a weapon. It is used in water and outside due to its strong firepower.

Remington 870 USA
It is also used as a tool, used for breaking down doors and other applications.
Mossberg 590A1 USA
Used as a combat shotgun.
Benelli M1014 Italy
Same as a combat shotgun.

Short machine gun

Heckler & Koch MP5 9 × 19 mm Parabellum Germany

Heckler & Koch MP7 4.6 × 30 mm Germany


Colt M4A1 5.56 × 45mm NATO
The main weapon in most SEALs. Most often, SEALs put optical, reflex holographic sights such as EOTech 551, 552, 553, etc.
Mk 18 CQBR 5.56 × 45mm NATO USA
A shorter variant of the M4, it is used in closed structures and for close combat.
H&K HK416N 5.56 × 45mm NATO USA Germany
Based on the M4, the HK416 contains several modifications. SEALs usually put silencers on this assault rifle.
FN SCAR-H 7.62 × 51mm NATO Belgium
Most popular with military rangers and SEALs due to the larger caliber and fire from a greater distance.

Sniper rifles

FN MK20 SSR7.62 × 51mm NATO Belgium
A sniper variant of the SCAR-H with a longer barrel and adjustable buttstock.
DPMS TAC20 7.62 × 51mm NATO USA
Sniper variant M4 or M16.
Barrett M107 .50 BMG (12.7 × 99mm NATO) USA
Large-caliber semi-automatic sniper rifle designed for long-range targets, with this rifle can stop any unarmored vehicle.

Machine guns / auxiliary automatic weapons

M249 SAW 5.56 × 45mm NATO USA
The air-cooled light machine gun M249 can have a belt full of bullets or STANAG frames most commonly found in M4 or M16 rifles.
M240 7.62 × 51mm NATO USA
The American name for the FN MAG machine gun, it is currently produced by FN Herstal.

M60E4 / Mk 43 7.62 × 51mm NATO USA
A general-purpose machine gun, the M240 has largely replaced it.
Mk 48 Mod 0/1 7.62 × 51mm NATO USA
Light machine gun, version M249 only in a larger 7.62mm caliber.
Browning M2HB .50 BMG (12.7 × 99mm NATO) USA
Heavy machine gun
used to destroy vehicles and larger groups of opponents.
Anti-tank / missile weapons
M72A2 LAW 66mm USA Norway, Turkey

Compact portable rocket launcher.
M136 AT-4 CS 84mm Sweden
Intended for infantry to eliminate armored vehicles or fortifications.