Edition One - Initial Newspaper Article

Day 4,083, 23:56 Published in Switzerland USA by Odysseus Rhymes


I'm incredibly excited to start getting more involved with the Journalistic aspect of this great nation of eSwitzerland that we find ourselves in! Even though I've not been here so long I've already made wonderful friends who have given me more than a few pointers on what I can be doing to help out and do my part. The community behind us eSwiss is incredible and I hope it only grows with time!

I intend to cover topics varying from drawings and giveaways, politics, and contributive pieces I do for other people. I intend to also use this as a platform to help out as many eSwiss as I can with what resources I have. Feel free to send me a message if you have any ideas of potential drawings or events I can hold to help promote activity, I'm open to any suggestions!

I wanted this to be rather short since I'm mainly gathering ideas and testing out the graphics. If you have suggestions for me, feel free to send me a message or simply leave it in the comments below! I'm very happy to be a part of this community! Thank you for your time, I know it's valuable!
Since this is a little short here's a few contests to spice it up a little.

eSwiss Contest
The First 5 eSwiss citizens to comment get 2,000cc as a gift.

General Contest
The first 5 non-eSwiss to comment get 1,000cc as a gift.

Gold Contest
In 3 days time from this article posting, I'll draw 3 names from everyone who commented. The winner gets 20g, the second name gets 10g, the last name gets 5g.

Total gifts = 15,000cc, 35g.

PS: If anyone knows the article dimensions for graphics I'd love to have that info...my stuff is slightly off center..