EDEN is running in a circle

Day 1,571, 03:52 Published in Canada Bulgaria by egad

I find it difficult to write articles these days. The situation in the whole eWorld is so boring that it is hard for me to keep my attention to this game what about even writing. Seems the erepublik team also doesn’t know what should be done in this situation so they asked for help in their facebook page. “What ideas do you have for the next set of missions that we will be implementing in the next couple of days? Share with us your suggestions by commenting on this status! If the ideas are good we will implement them and some surprises will come along the way for the ones that came up with those missions.” If you have any ideas you should comment here.

TEDEN’s domination makes the battles so predictable that one should mention those that were brought to over 13 rounds. The battles for Southern Finland, North Montenegrin Mountains and Galicia gave me some hope that one day the excitement could be back in erepublik.

And since the admins can’t find a way to make something interesting here come EDEN HQ’s summits where everyone is gathered by the motto “the show must go on”. There are enough scandals for everyone. At the start a decision was made that Bulgaria should regain their full membership rights. At the same time Turkey is again a trial member and everything is just like it was a week ago. The big news of the night is that after many negotiations most of the EDEN’s country presidents voted (8:1) for impeachment of SC of the alliance and Oles Kurivchak is no longer the big boss there. Elections for the new commander will be held on Saturday.

A plan for a new series of region swap was accepted. Lithuania will start a war against Russia in order to reach Bulgaria. At the end of all battles Bulgaria would get Volga (fruits) and Volga Vyatka (deer) regions and will liberate Central Black Earth (fruits). This way they will have one more food bonus and a border with Iran’s core regions. There is a chance that this time Turkey will cooperate and will give several of them to Bulgaria.

Despite all that a referendum will take place in Bulgaria from 10-th to 12-th of March about their future in EDEN – should they leave or stay. The previous Bulgarian president made an executive order for that but the congress decided to delay it till the new EDEN SC elections is over.

That is all for now. I hope in the next few days there will be something really important to write for.