eAwaken Yea of theeUSA or shefutzu for CP

Day 5,555, 19:11 Published in USA USA by Trite of the northern Penguins

Editors note: I so desperately wanted to offer my party’s endorsement to frankly should be stoned for CP, but alas the game would not allow me to search it’s database. Maybe I should use the app instead of the internet 🤔 the precedent defying election of frankly should be stoned to CP would certainly bring a renaissance of trolling and wonderful humor, who would not be drawn to log in and witness the fitness and wit of frankly should be stoned.

It easy for me to support anyone running against the pre-selected CP, an actual campaign for the office could be a healthy and possibly fun exercise. Not being able to offer my party’s (populated at different times by three recent CPs candidates - representing three different parties in elections - one a top 5 party) endorsement to any candidate through party channels, I endorse shefutzu for CP and ask all that have so kindly supported me in the past to consider voting for shefutzu. 👀