Dug - Debt

Day 2,312, 08:09 Published in Serbia Serbia by Centurion XVIII

Početkom XX veka i američki predsednik Vudro Vilson je dobio „pomoć“ od bankara. Najpre su mu pomogli da postane predsednik finansiranjem izborne kampanje, potom mu pokrili jedan veliki finansijski dug iz mladosti a zauzvrat je 1913. Vilson u Kongresu“proturio“ zakon po kome udruženje najvećih privatnih banaka, tzv. Federalne rezerve – FED mogu štampati novac bez zlatne podloge, odnosno kreirati ga NI IZ ČEGA. Od tada pa sve do danas, američka vlada mora pozajmljivati dolare od ove moćne grupe finansijskih mahera i na taj način stvarati ogroman nacionalni dug.

Tako na primer. FED kreiraju milijardu dolara koju sa kamatom daju vladi SAD i stvore nacionalni dug. Potom ovaj novac vlada distribuira komercijalnim bankama sa malo većom kamatom a ove ga prodaju građanima i poslovnim subjektima sa još većom kamatom. Na ovaj način se u lancu formirao DUG sa istom početnom sumom novca od milijardu dolara kreiranih NI IZ ČEGA, dok naivni svet misli da za celu sumu postoji pokriće u zlatnim polugama ili nekom drugom plemenitom metalu.

Na ovoj finansijskoj vrtešci danas se okreće čitav svet. Pre 50 godina u svetskim finansijskim tokovima bilo je oko 5% ovog spekulativnog novca a danas je oko 97% kapitala koji cirkuliše spekulativan.

To je najveća legalna prevara u istoriji čovečanstva putem koje je grupa špekulanata u periodu od tri veka postala „ugledna“ svetska bankarska „elita“. Danas su to praktično isti ti moćnici koji nameću svoj Novi svetski poredak i grade svoju svetsku državu. Danas bukvalno ne postoji ni jedna država, ni jedan pojedinac, ni jedna kompanija koja njima ne duguje novac na direktan ili indirektan način.


Debt as a powerful tool of subjugation

At the beginning of the twentieth century, U.S. President Woodrow Wilson received " help " from the bankers . First they helped him to become president of the financing of the election campaign , then he covered a huge financial debt from his youth and in turn the 1913th Wilson in Congress " leaked " the law by which the association 's largest private banks , so-called . The Federal Reserve - Fed can print money without a gold standard , or create it from scratch . From then until today , the U.S. government has to borrow dollars from this powerful group of financial whiz , thus creating a huge national debt.

Thus, for example . FED creates a billion dollars with interest that gives the U.S. government and create a national debt. Then the government distributes money to commercial banks with slightly higher interest rate and sell it to the citizens and businesses with even greater interest. In this way, the chain formed a debt with the same initial amount of money a billion dollars created out of thin air , while the naive world thought that the full amount be funded in gold bullion or other precious metals .

For this financial roller coaster today turns the whole world . 50 years ago the world financial flows were approximately 5 % of speculative money and today about 97 % of the capital , which circulates speculative .

It is the largest legal fraud in history through which a group of speculators over a period of three centuries has become " respectable " global banking "elite " . Today, it's practically the very same powers that impose their New World Order and build their world state . Today there is virtually no country , no one individual or a company that owes them money , directly or indirectly .