Dear Belanegros!

Day 1,062, 12:42 Published in Belarus Poland by machine9899

2 days ago our party was TOed.

Many people wrote sth like 'belaniger is polish TO group' - no, it's not true.
We are bunch of men (and 2? women) who want to find our own place.
Yes, lots of us are Polish, but there are also French, Bosnians, Croatians, Spaniards and people from other nations.
It's hard to understand for me, how people, who aren't Belarussians in RL can call TOers.
So, what are you, headless chickens? 😉
Another thing.
If we are polish group, why did Poles captured our Party? For lulz?
Or maybe it's time for russian-speakin part of Belarus to change their mind?

We are international group - we speak different languages, but we have one thing in common. We want free Belaniger!

Belarus is big enough for all of us.

Viva Le Belaniger, sovoir vivre my friends!

btw. I'm sure, that Belaniger will cooperate with everyone, who want our help 😉