Cuban News / Noticias 4381

Day 4,381, 14:47 Published in Cuba Cuba by Isabel VI La Gobernadora

Buenos dias, hoy de nuevo presentando las noticias, nacionales, internacionales y personales (estas ultimas las mas importantes)


Hace unos 10 dias atras, un ciudadano de cuba me envio un mensaje diciendo que soy el CP, por suerte, encontre un negro Karlo OP Reformed se ofrecio a abrir el las batallas como dictador durante 10 dias...

Hubo un debate hacerca de la dictadura sobre si mantenerla o no, los pros eran que se podia turnar para que todos tuvieran medalla, charro volvio a pedir que se instaure el congreso para que asi la gente cafetee más.

Estamos otra vez en israel para tw, somos masoquistas.

También me he enterado que hubo elecciones de partido, no se como termino, así que ir a vuestro partido y veis quien esta de presi y ya


Estos ultimos dias ha habido alguna que otra pelea dentro de orion, dado que se propuso un candidato ingame para SG, pero se voto en contra, eso creo tensión y al final se voto a otro candidato.

Nuestros amigos de portugal, siguen bajo el borrado de turquia, haciendo lo posible para seguir vivos.

Se creo un debate en orion para el cambio de nombre, la mayoría de propuestas eran drogas o cebolla (Onion)

Ahora mismo, despues de saber sobre el aniversario de erepublik y los nuevos skins, vambola (estonia) y van der kaczy (polandpaises bajos) estan hablando de tractores.

Kronor despues de 10 dias en silencio por el miedo a que le digan que ronca como un gato nos paso la imagen del aniversario de erepublik

Link al logo
Clica para ver skin tierra

Clica para ver skin aire


Duman ha dejado la politica otra vez luego nos ha pasado fotos del harem que tiene montado y todos hemos entendido el porque

karlo dice que quiere ir a vivir a USA para ganar mas dinero en el fondo, como todos los autoproclamados comunistas, se esconde un capitalismo que lo consume y que ama estados unidos

Pedevargu sigue triste desde que laucha se fue, y esta robando BHs y CHs a los que vienen por BH de otros paises

Faugnero gano una SH hoy creo que se la robo a un rumano pero a nadie le importa

Saint Arya Stark pide mas dinero para hits como si regalarle los packs no fuera suficiente...

Fagiani sigue con su farmeo, en sus palabras "El dia 29 sera black friday y tendremos los packs de bombas boosters y barritas X3, tenemos que tener mucho oro"

No se si lo dije, pero me compre el G27 para jugar juegos de carreras

Ayer me compre el football manager 2020, es aun la beta pero es practicamente ya terminado, mi trayectoria sera subir a primera, y luego mantenerme, y en un plazo de 3-4 temporadas llegar a europa, he estado pensando en publicar aqui mi andadura, pero plato es muy nasi

Octiene ha creado una loteria de navidad para todos los de eR, apuntaros.

Y aqui el noticiario


Good morning, today again presenting the news, national, international and personal (the latter the most important)

National [/ b]

About 10 days ago, a Cuban citizen sent me a message saying that I am the CP, luckily, I found a black man Karlo OP Reformed offered to open the battles as a dictator for 10 days...

There was a debate about the dictatorship about whether to keep it or not, the pros were that you could take turns so that everyone had a medal, charro again asked for the congress to be established so that people could coffee more.

We are in Israel again for tw, we are masochists.

I have also learned that there were party elections, I don't know how to end, so go to your party and you see who is under pressure and now

International [/ b]

In recent days there has been the occasional fight within Orion, given that an ingame candidate for SG was proposed, but he voted against it, that created tension and in the end he voted for another candidate.

Our friends from Portugal are still under the erasure of Turkey, doing their best to stay alive.

A debate was created in Orion for the name change, most proposals were drugs or onions (Onion)

Right now, after learning about the anniversary of erepublik and the new skins, vambola (estonia) and van der kaczy ( poland netherlands) are talking about tractors

Kronor after 10 days in silence for fear of being told that she snores like a cat gave us the image of the anniversary of erepublik

Link to the logo

Click to see skin earth

Click to see skin air

Personal [/ b]

Duman has left the policy again then he has given us photos of the harem he has mounted and we have all understood why [/ s]

Karlo says he wants to go live in the US to earn more money in the background, like all self-proclaimed communists, there is a capitalism that consumes it and loves the United States [/ s]

Pedevargu is still sad since Laucha left, and make tourist BHs and CHs pay for it hunting all of them

Faugnero won a SH today maybe she steal from a romanian guy but who cares

Saint Arya Stark asks for more money for hits as if giving him the packs wasn't enough ... [/ s]

Fagiani continues with his farmeo, in his words "On the 29th it will be black friday and we will have the packs of booster pumps and X3 bars, we have to have a lot of gold"

I don't know if I said it, but I bought the G27 to play racing games

Yesterday I bought the football manager 2020, it is still the beta but it is practically already finished, my trajectory will be to climb to first division, and then stay, and in a period of 3-4 seasons to reach Europe, I have been thinking in publishing my career here, but plato is very nasi

Octiene has created a Christmas lottery for all eR, sign up.