CROMANIA rules! Romania is EDEN!

Day 1,424, 02:30 Published in Romania Romania by Alex Craciun

In urma evenimentelor recente as vrea sa clarificam situatia.

La summitul EDEN de saptamana trecuta, dupa alegerea presedintilor, una dintre teme a fost si pozitia EDEN la poll-ul ce urma privitor la situatia Kosovo. Am spus atunci ca Romania va fi pro Serbia, datorita situatiei din RL, acelasi lucru l-au spus si Grecia si Bulgaria, toata lumea a fost de acord ca e o situatie mult prea importanta pentru a fi tratata doar prin prisma jocului.

Acum doua zile am recomandat romanilor sa voteze ca Serbia sa primeasca nou infiintata regiune Kosovo.
Se vede foarte clar din procentele afisate de admini, rezultatele partiale ale poll-ului, faptul ca romanii luasera deja decizia de a vota astfel, un singur articol, fie el si al presedintelui, nu putea duce procentul la 72%.

Din punctul meu de vedere, care este si punctul de vedere al conducerii Romaniei, asta nu inseamna o apropiere de Serbia, se vede chiar si in comentariile soldatilor sarbi ca lauda prietenia din viata reala si ca nu se gandesc la a-si trada aliatii. Si ei ca si noi isi respecta si isi vor respecta aliatii.

Faptul ca ne-am alaturat lor intr-o situatie de genul acesta nu inseamna ca pregatim o iesire din EDEN. Pe noi ne leaga de aceasta alianta prietenia pe care o avem cu Croatia, o prietenie de ani de zile pe care nimeni si nimic nu o poate strica. EDEN a fost construita pe prietenia Romania Croatia.

Am vazut in foarte multe comentarii croate o paralela intre situatia Kosovo si situatia Transilvaniei, respectiv au aparut intrebari despre cum ne-am simti noi daca Transilvania ar fi subiectul unui vot intre Romania si Ungaria si daca croatii ar vota pro Ungaria, si as vrea sa clarificam si aici lucrurile.
Chestiunea Kosovo e o problema de principii, pentru noi romanii, si in niciun caz nu se poate compara cu o eventuala punere in discutie a apartenentei Transilvaniei. Pentru ca aici a fost un vot pro Serbia, nu anti Croatia, un vot ca Transilvania sa ajunga la Ungaria ar fi un vot anti Romania.
Fortand poate comparatia, situatia e similara cu un mesaj de simpatie trimis prin intermediul jocului fata de o problema majora cu care se confrunta o tara/comunitate in afara jocului. Precum tragedia de la Smolensk, de exemplu.

Desi inteleg ca mesajul meu si votul romanilor genereaza tensiuni in cadrul EDEN, daca ne referim strict la gameplay, mi se par mai importante tensiunile sarbo-turce care escaladeaza de ceva vreme. Astfel de tensiuni slabesc ONE, iar un ONE mai slab inseamna un EDEN mai puternic.

Nu avem inclinatiile catre troll si lupte de culise ale polonezilor. Suntem mai din topor. Faptele noastre RL vorbesc pentru noi RL iar faptele din joc reprezinta vocea Romaniei in eRepublik.

Stiu ca articolele mele au venit ca o manusa pentru Ungaria, care de ceva vreme incearca sa convinga Croatia sa treaca de partea cealalta, asa cum a facut si cu Polonia, dar mai stiu si ca avem un aliat care nu ne-a tradat pana acum si pentru care am luptat de fiecare data cand au avut nevoie.
Croatia si croatii ar trebui sa puna pe primul loc ce am facut si ce vom face noi pentru CROMANIA si niciun Kosovo nu poate strica asta.

Sper ca spiritele se vor calma in momentul in care poll-ul se va termina si vom reveni la normal si as vrea sa spun inca o data: Romania nu-si tradeaza aliatii, Romania nu tradeaza CROMANIA, Romania nu tradeaza EDEN!


Looking back the the latest events I would like to clarify the situation.

At the EDEN summit held last week, after the elections for president, one of the problems discussed was EDEN position for the Kosovo poll. I said that Romania will be pro Serbia, because of the situation in RL, the same thing was said by Greece and Bulgaria, everybody agrees that this is far more important and we can not treat it only as in game.

Two days ago I recommended to romanians to vote for Serbia to get the new region, namely Kosovo.
It is very clear from the percents presented by admins, partial results of the poll, the fact that romanians already had their option clear, only one article, even an article from the president couldn't make the percent go up to 72%.

From my point of view, which is also the romanian government point of view, this does not mean that we get close to Serbia, you can see even in the comments of the Serbian soldiers that praise our movement, but they do not think about betraying their allies. Both Serbia and Romania respect their allies.

The fact that we were with them in a situation like this does not mean that we are pulling Romania out of EDEN. We are in this alliance thanks to the friendship that bonds Romania and Croatia for years and nobody can ruin this friendship. EDEN was built on the relationship of Romania and Croatia.

I saw a lot of croat comments making a parallel between the Kosovo and Transilvania, there were questions about how would we feel if Transilvania would be subject to a poll between Romania and Hungary and if the croats would vote pro Hungary and I want to clarify this also.
The Kosovo issue is about principles, for us romanians and it cannot be compared in any way with the discussion of Transilvania. This was a vote pro Serbia, not anti Croatia, a vote for Transilvania in Hungary would be a vote anti Romania.
Forcing the comparison a little, the situation is similar with a sympathy message sent through the game, concerning a major problem that a country/community faces outside the game. Like the tragedy in Smolensk, for example.

Even if I understand that my message and the romanian votes generate tensions in EDEN, if we speak about gameplay only, I think that the degenerating relations between Serbia and Turky are far more important. These kind of tensions make ONE weaker and a weaker ONE means a stronger EDEN.

We don't like trolling and the backstage things, like the polish. We are a little more rough. The things we do in RL speak for us and the things that we do ingame represent the voice of Romania in eRepublik.

I know that my articles were like a glove for Hungary, they are trying to convince Croatia to get to the other side for some time now, like they did with Poland, but I also know that we have an ally that did not betray us until now and for which we fought every time they needed our help.
Croatia and croatians should put the things we've done and the things that we will do on the first place and no Kosovo can ruin this.

I hope that things will get back to normal when the poll is over and I want to state once more: Romania will not betray its allies, Romania will not betray CROMANIA, Romania will not betray EDEN!