Beginning of February end of management.

Day 5,918, 05:04 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic by Ceska Narodni Banka

First of all, good day to all citizens of the Czech Republic.

It passed a month of government, a month of growth, both personally and as a country.

We started a task of diplomatic, political, economic and military reconstruction with neighboring countries. They gladly received us and thus we managed to start a series of daily TW that served us for the military and economic growth.

Oh beautiful gold object of our joys and hardships.

We obviously owe this to our MoD Clorofila.

From the beginning we tried to recover the interaction with our citizens where the state could improve communication, by publishing articles and daily orders, hoping to make things clearer. I think it is something we achieved.

We changed the welcome message for new players, linking to the Ministry of Education's journal, where they can find articles for new and old players, particularly those who retake their accounts.

We started a distribution of weapons and food in order to make the engagement easier in battlefield.

We were intended to finance houses. We didn't make it. It will be achieved in the future, we hope.

My intention was to give place to an awakening....We are a small country, with great players that even with the RL differences, we all want the best for the Czech Republic.

Last but not the least, I say goodbye for now, I Wil be hanging out in the background this month .

We thank the Czech people in the game for supporting us and giving us a kind feeedback.

I am not a person of many words in game and in RL.


eCzech Country President