America Welcomes INCI, er whatever...

Day 1,203, 19:30 Published in USA Singapore by Lefty from Mulberry St

First off, I'd like to say; WELCOME INCI We (the eUS) welcome your efforts to provide blockers in our congressional elections. There is a word that is likely not found in any dictionary, nor can be translated, that I wish to brief you about...



The eUS is run by citizens of the GREATEST COUNTRY ON EARTH. Love it or hate it, It is a fact and not an opinion. We are great, you guys well not so much, you wish to be, but can't. You are playing a role, and it benefits us: That is why your welcome, and we thank INCI for your collective time and effort.

^ INCI top secret conference. ^

The eUS as been a strong contender in eWorld events for a long time. We have received a baby boom of RL Turkish citizens and welcome your spending on our markets. We recognize the fact that you chose the eUS as your eHome is a result of our RL Greatness and commend your superior decision making skills.

You will be welcome in eAmerica as long as you can promise to have as much fun here as we do.