Albanians in Çanakkale

Day 3,407, 15:17 Published in Turkey Ukraine by Burevii

25,000 - 30,000 Muslim Albanian soldiers have died in the Battle of Çanakkale!

-- > Albanian Gallipoli(Çanakkale) Song

The story is regarding 4 Albanian Ghazis from Kosovo that survived in the Gallipoli war out of 110 others from the same village. When they returned, before entering their village Dragash, Restelica they stopped over in the city of Prizren where they decided what they are going to tell the families of the martyrs. They decided to enter the village one by one 2-3 weeks after one another. When the first one had entered and was asked by the families (who were joyful seeing him) about the rest his reply was 'they will come'. This was repeated by all four of them upon entering their village. For years this was the phrase in the tongues of mothers, widows and orphans... They won't come, but insha'Allah we will join them in paradise under the flag of Prophet Muhammad (alayhi salatu wassalam) for which these people sacrificed themslves.

Albanians were not part of the Ottoman Empire in 1915 but answered the call of their Khalifah like many others (Bosnians, Arabs, Kurds, Circassians etc.).

The 4 men with turbans in the photo are the Ghazis that returned home. May Allah have mercy on them and all the shuhada in Gallipoli. Amin!

Arnaud is the name given to Albanians by Ottomans because of their bravery and never turning back on the battlefield. Arnaud is a shortened version of the phrase عار لنا أن نعود (`ar(ul) lana an na`ud) in Arabic which means "For us it's a dishonor (shame) to turn our backs".