A tribute to Lord Bernin

Day 2,459, 17:13 Published in India India by Martin Luther Gandhi

I logged on as usual today just to press the work / train / reward buttons before I checked the Indian and World media to see what was new and it saddened me to see an article written by my great friend and current President of India Lord Bernin stating that he feels he has failed India etc etc

I would just like to personally state my public support for Anant and ask for him to try and take a little step back and look at the bigger picture of what has been achieved since his return to Government over the past two months.

Yes we have the usual inactivity of congress, yes we have 2-3 people who do 99% of the work and yes we are on the wrong side of many military beatings but these things are all old news to players such as Anant and I ask him to stay strong in his belief that India will some day will be a might empire.

Anant, over the last two months you have refused to beg Iran, Peru or Uruguay for freedom and instead it is they who have approached you for peace agreements and in all that time you have stood strong and said you will not deal with those who are oppressing us and instead you have lead a brave fight against 10,000 enemy soldiers, obtaining many wins on the way I should add.

You have taken the Indian Foreign Affairs from being a joke to now one in which today I see Chile, Bulgaria and many other strong key Government personnel shouting in game to fight for India, this is all down to the work you have done in making our nation a stronger friend for many great nations.

Yes not everything has gone perfect but Anant I applaud you for the great work, effort and time you have spent making India a better nation than it was two months ago and for that you should not feel you have failed when you have clearly succeeded.

You have had your rant in the media and I am sure you mean every word of it but we have unfinished work to do and I hope you are going to help start what we finished all those years ago.

Sorry for the ramblings I just wanted to say how much I appreciate your efforts publicly to raise your moral so that in a day or so you will be stronger than ever before.

Speak soon mate! o>
