10 Ways to Build Resilience

Day 611, 04:10 Published in USA USA by Silas Soule

10 Ways to Stay Strong in Tough Times

1) Make Connections. Foster good relationships with friends in the game.
Accept help and support. Assist others when they need it.

2) Avoid seeing crises as insurmountable problems. Stress happens, but
you can change how to interpret and respond. Look to the future. Rejoice
in the ways you already know regarding how to deal with difficulties.

3) Accept change. Adverse circumstances can affect certain goals. Accepting
things you cannot change helps focus on circumstances you can alter.

4) Move towards your goals. Ask "what is one thing I can I do today that helps
me move in the direction I want to go?".

5) Take decisive action. Act on adverse situations as much as you can. Don't
detach completely from problems and stress just hoping they'll go away.

6) Look for self-discovery opportunities in the face of adversity. Struggling with defeats can help us grow.

7) Nuture a postive view of yourself. Develop confidence in your ability to solve
problems. Trust your instincts to help build up resilience.

😎 Maintain a hopeful outlook. Expect good things to happen. Visualize what
you want rather than worrying about what you fear.

9) Take care of yourself. Pay attention to your own needs and feelings. In real
life, do things that are enjoyable and relaxing. Exercise. Keep mind and body primed.
In the game, stay engaged in learning and communicating.

10) Find ways to build connections and restore hope. For some people, writing
about thoughts and feelings helps. For others, meditation or spiritual practice. Find
out what works for you.