[SZ]04 - It's a party in The USA - Mini PP giveaway

Day 5,534, 20:25 Published in USA USA by Blackgg1

-Soldier ZerO! O7

:: Honor Roll ::
BH (Being Honest) :1310 🏅 [+432]
SH (Super Hydrated) :1696 🛩️ [+1501]

Mini Power Pack giveaway>>

-Its really easy to win this prize. Just comment in this article a number between 1-50 and If you guess the right number, I will send you 340k CC to buy tokens or do whatever and the Mini Power pack is yours!!

-Only one number per player
-If two people write the same number, the first one takes precedence.
-The player must vote and subscribe this newspaper.
-If you are a CODE cs you can't participate.
-Write the vote number and the chosen number.

The number was already picked, I'll update the article on monday and reveal the winner.

🌟 :: THE WINNER IS :: 🌟


Congratulations Secretary Clinton and Thanks for every1 who participated and for all endorses!!next time will be a bigger prize!

Weekly Report>>

Day 5400

-Now that I'm doing well in air battles, it's time to get more Gold help my country in other areas. I heard that by joining politics, I can debate the country's interests with other citizens! That's ridiculous great.

Dia 5401

-F*ck, I was looking for political parties and found out that there are several options, which one should I sign up for? they all look the same.

Dia 5402

-What the hell, all this bureaucracy to get a fucking medal be a congressman... I don't think it's going to happen. I just wanted to be president and open fire on some stupid bots Croatians.

Dia 5403

-This morning I was walking around the barracks and I found this flyer about a cowboy party, THAT'S WHERE I'M FUCKING GOING!!!

Comic Strip 04>>


-There is a government food program going on, just click here and comment on the post.

-If you don't have a party yet, take a look at this article about Rough Riders, we are a very sexy active political party in the community! Mount Up o7

Edition 04
Squad, ten-hut!