[Parliament] 20th - 24th April Session

Day 3,439, 06:08 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Speaker of the House

Afternoon lads o7,

With the change in media module/lack of legislative agenda it probably makes bit more sense to space these out rather than spamming a session every 2 days.

*is correctly accused of laziness*

Since the last article there hasn’t been much going on (surprise surprise), a few discussions about reintroducing gold loans and thoughts on how to encourage our newer citizens to focus more on air battles and corresponding rank increases.

There's also a renewal up for our Serbian MPP which looks certain to pass at the moment of writing. Dapper has also just proposed our Bulgarian MPP too.

With five days to go before the next election just a gentle reminder for candidates to remember to be here for the month…

Cheers o/,
