[MoHA] End of Term

Day 2,177, 08:46 Published in Belgium Netherlands by Ministry of eBe Education

Dear Belgian citizens,

As you all know I am a very active citizens and therefore the activity of the MoHA of this month has been up to the expectations you all had.

However, due to the great Wipe that has been done by our beloved CP several things have become unnecessary and the activity of the ministry had a little bit dropped afterward, but the activity pretty much remained the same during the whole month 😉.

Ministry of Education

Comatosia and Gyantse have published several (which means more than one) articles to help our new players to live their way through this hard game that eRepublik is. Their most noticeable articles was the very detailed IRC article .

Due to RL constraints they had to resign and have not been able to end their term.

Citizen Programs (and much more)

Kiyonori Dragnier has probably be the most active citizen of the ministry this month. He managed the donations in the several programs that we had. His activity has never decreased during the month and we can thank him for all the great things that he sent us (at least for those who asked).

Pavlovsk96 also helped with the donations in ABC before the law change that occurred during the beginning of the month.


We tried to help the BNA with the design of new graphisms for their banners and so on but we have never been able to reach an agreement and this collaboration has finally not be finalized. On top of that they had their own graphic team working on it so this would have been a double counting 😉.


Leonardo di Vicenzo and Thorin II Oakenshield have not done many visible things during this month but they have worked in the background to improve the communication in the country.


The most important for the end obviously 😉. I haven’t done many visible things but I have been really busy with the ATO plans and the wipe as well as with several discussions that could not be revealed in the public place. I have been really active on IRC (even if not very often on the official channels once again, or hiding under another identity). Most of the work that is accomplished for eBelgium is a background work and most people do not understand that properly (although I have to admit that MaryamQ was much more active than I was this month, this suffers no comparison 😁).

Well, I won’t take much more of your time (even if there are other things I could mention 😉) and I will wish good luck to my follower under the NLSP/Olv007 administration as well as I will thanks all the people who worked with/for me this month as well as our great CP.

Kind regards,
Vice Country President Dedicated to Home Affairs