[MoFA] The Mirror is the Master

Day 4,580, 20:01 Published in USA USA by PimpDollaz

Salutations once more dear readers, in case you needed more to read, I would just like to say right off the top that my recommendation for the next CP elections on June 5th would be to re elect Tyler Bubblar. Yes I realise that being in his administration prejudices me in favour, but the reality is that I really have not seen any CP candidate in a very long time that is willing to go to the lengths to include as many people from diverse reaches of the country as he does. It's been fun to work with an all star cast of team players. Future CPs will be taking several pages out of his playbook. On the other hand, bad faith actors abound around every corner and at every level. They must be opposed and have their misdeeds brought to light.

As the game and the community continues to shrink, we may be tempted to circle the tribalistic wagons and become more insular in a misguided attempt to succeed. That approach may lead to our downfall as coordinated agents try to exploit what remains. The style of game play that Tyler espouses seeks to emphasise commonalities and cooperation over conflict and individualism. That is a trait that he has in common with other great CPs that I have gotten along well with over the years. In late stage eRepublik, being united internally will reap us more benefits than a confrontational approach would.

On a personal note, I’ve been writing more often and it’s been fun seeing all of the various articles in the media. It makes for great bedtime reading. It is also satisfying to see the SFP doing well in the recent Congress elections. I'm happy to see some groundwork laid behind the scenes last term paying off. Success or failure at any level in this game does not exist in a vacuum and you inherit your predecessors efforts, good or bad. That goes for Party or CP. More relevantly though, I have really enjoyed fulfilling the role of Minister of Foreign Affairs. It has been thoroughly satisfying to engage with representatives of other nations and alliances, as they see the game much differently than we do. Yet at the end of the day, there are more things that connect us than divide us as cliché as it is to say.

When you look in the mirror are you proud of what you see? I don’t mean literally, but metaphorically as a nation. For the longest time I wasn’t. The place was dead. There was no energy. Nobody had any good ideas. We were on the treadmill to nowheresville. People were stuck squarely in their own camps and content to snipe at each other from afar. Some former executives were polarizing and continue to be divisive, only doing things for their own personal benefit to the detriment of the country.

But when you look at the reflection of things now, are you satisfied with the sudden change in attitude? Are you happy with the way that the country is being run? I know that I am. I would like to say that I played a part in the reanimation of our country. I would like to say that. If it turns out that the election doesn't go our way and I don’t get a return trip to cabinet then I would like to say it’s been an absolute pleasure this past month and I wish my successors all the very best. In any case, I would like you to take a good long look in the mirror America. You’ve come a long way. And if you like what you see, then please consider re electing Tyler Bubblar for CP.

Thank you for your time, see you at the poals