[MoE] First steps with IRC

Day 2,153, 10:40 Published in Belgium Netherlands by Ministry of eBe Education

In this guide I will show you how to connect to rizon chat via mibbit and how to use it. After you first login you can add the mibbit site of channel in yours bookmarks unless you found another program to connect on channels.

First step on way to connect on rizon chat is that you put into google search “Mibbit” and button found it.

Second step is to click on button connect.

After you click on “Connect” button you will see this.

To connect to channel enter this informations and then click “Connect” button.

You can also connect education channel #BEATalks.

Commands that you can use on chat:

★ /j #channel -> this is command to join another channel. You just tipe /j #channel (channel which you want to join, example: /j #BEATalks , /j #ebrussels , /j #mercenaries )

★ /msg nickserv register password email ->with this command you will protect your nick before others. For password you enter your pass which you need to remember for later and for email you enter your email, which you are using. After you do that, check your email for confirmation code and do /msg nickserv confirm confirmationCode . After you use this command you use that command /msg nickserv identify password for identify your nick, for password you need to enter your pass you used for registration.

★ /query nick -> when you want to talk to someone you use that command, but for nick you enter nick of the player you want to talk. (example /query Gyantse )

★ /nick yournick -> command for changing nick on chat. (example: my nick is Gyantse and I want to change my nick to G|AFK, I do /nick G|AFK )

Also if you have problems to conect you can use this direct link to channel just need to enter your nick. BEA channel: http://mibbit.com/?channel=%23BEATalks&server=rizon.mibbit.org and to #ebrussels: http://mibbit.com/?channel=%23eBrussels&server=rizon.mibbit.org .

If you have any question you can contact me in game via PM (http://www.erepublik.com/en/main/messages-compose/5514661) or do /query Gyantse on chat or ping me on #ebrussels or #BEATalks.


Gyantse and Comatosia