[MoE] Community and Media and Stuck in a Car

Day 2,135, 08:40 Published in Canada Canada by Zianni Vaatez

Made by Crisfire

Hello everyone, it’s good to see you all. This is the second MoE article, if you haven’t read the first one please do. Awesome MoE article
We went over Jobs, Training, DOs, and EGB last week. So if you’d like to learn more about those topics I’d highly recommend checking out the first article.

As for this week, I am literally just winging it as I type. There is no foundation for this article other than the fact I have no Internet while in my car. So everything I write is pretty much what comes to mind. So obviously the topics will also be pretty random.


Activity (Getting Involved!)

So I guess we can call this article MEDIA-WEAK. Hohohoho, that was terrible.

The first question we have to ask ourselves is… What is activity? What makes a
player active and considered helpful to the community? Activity is being involved with your community; it’s helping out your country and your fellow players. Activity is NOT two-clicking and finishing your daily order. It doesn’t matter if you only have fifteen minutes a day if you contribute with those fifteen minutes of your time. While it certainly helps to be on most of the day, the fact that this is a game remains. So in the simplest terms we can conclude that you don’t need to be on all the time as long as you pitch in. Contribution > Time

Activity isn't the amount of time you spend on the homepage everyday; it’s the willingness to help out with your party, your MU, or your administration. You can be like me, who spends say 6-7 hours just refreshing the homepage doing nothing but waiting for articles. Which isn't really being active at all, just my way of procrastinating from real work.

Or you can spend 15-30 minutes sending PMs for your party, sending out supply for your MU, or feeding secret party information to the administration so you can PTO next week. Now who’s more active; the player who spends eight hours refreshing or the player who does something for his community? Time isn’t a judgment of activity, but a guideline. Let’s not forget that.

Now that I've gone over the topic of activity that I could have explained with a couple explanatory sentences but chose not to, let’s go ahead and head into MEDIA. Media is by far my favorite part of the game, it’s a great way to interact with other players and spread ideas. It can be used for good or for evil.

But what do you mean by that Sun Tzu?

Media can be used in many different ways, but the player at the helm will make the decision to either provide informational articles to the community or to bash a player, a party, a MU, or an administration. Newspapers/Articles can be double-edged, so please be careful where you swing your hate-bat.

What makes the Media special? It's an outlet for your to speak your mind about almost anything provided it won't get you banned, for gods sake you can post 30-40 pictures of half naked Gingers and get off with no warnings. Media allows social interaction between players, it allows parties/MUs to advertise themselves and give information about themselves. It allows players in a whole to explain things, new ideas for the country, and almost any other topic imaginable. There are many categories you can go into.

First Steps in eRepublik, is mostly for educational articles for newer players and tutorials.

Battle Orders is used to post information about where to fight usually by the MoD or Administration.

Warfare Analysis is self-explanatory, a section dedicated to analyzing the country's (Or another) wars.

Political Debates and Analysis, the best category 😛. Dedicated to politics, charters, recruitment articles, congress articles, campaigning, and mud slinging.

Financial Business: Usually for market estimations, price calculating and charts. Pretty much dead right now without TSCM.

Social Interactions and Entertainment: Pretty much anything you can imagine that goes into the bracket of entertainment, funny pictures, naked women, and much much more.

You can view all the top news in a category VIA this tab in the middle of your page.

At the top are pictures dedicated to each category, so you can branch out through all the articles to find what you want to read about.

I won't bother going over votes for obvious reasons...


NEWSPAPERS can be purchased at your profile page for only TWO gold. You can also CUSTOMIZE your newspaper to your liking; many players even have themes for their newspapers. For instance, I have a Warcraft theme so my articles feature Warcraft pictures, quotes, and sometimes influence my writing style.

So find what meshes with your writing style and use it to distinguish your articles from the rest. Of course, the ultimate theme will always be Gingers but Shere has a patent on that theme. God bless Ginger Thursday.

HOW can you customize your newspaper? It’s very simple and limited unfortunately but here are some of the things you can customize. You can choose a picture for your Newspaper Logo, you can write a description for your newspaper, and you can choose a name for your newspaper.

Overview look below

For instance, MY newspaper name is THE FROUST JOURNAL and I also have a graphic to distinguish my articles from others. My logo is a crow or raven, I have no idea but it’s in the graphic. WHAT’S THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A CROW AND A RAVEN? Please tell me in the comments, first person to tell me which one it is and explain why will receive 50 CAD.

(P.S. Thank you Pat Harper/RedLK for making the graphics for my newspaper, nobody would read them without them.)

As always, thanks for reading. Shout and Votes are appreciated.