[JW4CP] Final Word, A Pledge to the People

Day 2,480, 16:21 Published in Australia United Kingdom by Jny123

G'Day mates, the day that we have been preparing for is upon us, CP election day. Voting shall open on day change so it is time to put out my last word to you before you vote. Here is what I pledge to you if elected.

1. Complete loyalty to Australia and its people.
2. To uphold the wishes of the people of Australia in all affairs.
3. To attend, or have an eAus official attend, every Alliance meeting.
4. To listen to the voices of congress in regular discussion.
5. To listen to the opinions from all citizens, regardless of party or military unit.
6. To act fairly in my decisions.
7. To educate young players and assist in their learning.
8. Regular activity.

Thank you, please vote for me. Cabinet shall be released on election result day if I have been elected as I am still in discussion with some of the members.