[Jny4CP] On the Home Front

Day 2,296, 07:44 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by TheJny123

hello, its time for the final article of this campaign for CP, with the election tomorow there is little more i can do.

Home Affairs

As Home Affairs covers a large area i shall break it down.
Congress- There is currently effort to reform congress, reform that i support and will encourage. Congress has gone rather stale and i hope that the lead reformer, iAdastros, can bring in the much needed reform. If elected i shall make sure he has all he needs to do this reform.

Ministry of Entertainment- I am hoping that i can provide more than just a eUK war and basic foreign affairs requirements, i hope that along with my cabinet members i can make this a fun month for all. the MoENT will be one of the main areas i shall push with this month and make sure there is always something for players to get involved in.

Public Opinion Polls- These seem to be the main policy i have. As stated before i believe i shouldn't restrict my term to simply what myself and a few select say will happen. I want to get the vote involved throughout the term to ensure you get the most out of me and that i get the most of CP. This will most likely be the last time irun for a long time so the more i can do the better.


Elvis Trout has accepted to be Minister of Finance this month if I am elected and after a brief discussion with him he has some great ideas. He would like to bring the Funky MU factory scheme to eUK as a whole which i fully support as it is a scheme that helps players who can't magic up gold or gbp to purchase companies.
As for the rest of Finance it will be looked at as we go along, but there will be only minor changes most likely.

And this concludes my final article. All i can say is that it has been a fun run and i look forward to the election. I shall finish with this short paragraph summarising why you should vote for me.

My campaign has been all about what the voter wants. I stand for community, as the elected representative of the people that is what i will stand as. I will ensure congress if fully informed where i can and have them involved in most decisions. I also accept the need for a eUK war which i shall do my best to ensure we have while keeping strong ties and relations with our allies.

Thanks for reading, please vote for me in the CP election.

P.S. Cabinet shall be released soon, just waiting for last confirmations