[EXCLUSIVE] Interview with Wild Owl

Day 3,567, 06:48 Published in USA USA by Citizen 8942290

Dear readers,

This is an exclusive interview (well it’s more like a chat, but aren’t we all attention-wh**es, anyway) with x times former dictator and dictator-trainee, country president eUSA, party president, commander in chief, you name it, current Minister of defence and Congress member of eUSA (legislative and executive, eh?) the top-elitist par exemplar Wild Owl.
I have conducted it on our SFP "official" and public Discord, on channel #erepublik.
Wild Owl - Today at 2:05 AM

PhilHarmony - Today at 2:05 AM
What's funny pig-owl @Wild Owl

Wild Owl - Today at 2:06 AM

PhilHarmony - Today at 2:06 AM
I don't hear you laughing
I hear you crying like a lil baby

Wild Owl - Today at 2:07 AM
Whatever makes you feel better

PhilHarmony - Today at 2:07 AM
If you don't have anything interesting to say, you might shut your mouth

Wild Owl - Today at 2:07 AM
Goes for you too.

PhilHarmony - Today at 2:08 AM
Q: how many eRomanian a**** did you kiss lately?

Wild Owl - Today at 2:08 AM
Im interesting enough to be pinged by you.

PhilHarmony - Today at 2:08 AM

Wild Owl - Today at 2:08 AM[/sup]

PhilHarmony - Today at 2:08 AM
That many?

Wild Owl - Today at 2:08 AM
Less than you for Cro
Thats fo'sho

PhilHarmony - Today at 2:08 AM
I don't kiss a****
I only buy Cro accounts

Wild Owl - Today at 2:09 AM
Whatever makes you feel better
Youre still on the losing side
Always will be.

PhilHarmony - Today at 2:10 AM
Q: Did you see the naked photos of t********?

Wild Owl - Today at 2:10 AM
Do not insult another woman
I thought you said you changed

PhilHarmony - Today at 2:10 AM
How did I insult her?

Wild Owl - Today at 2:11 AM
Just f*** off. Youre a f****** piece of s***

PhilHarmony - Today at 2:12 AM
Can someone jail this offensive lil pig?
See, I've changed
No insults from me

Wild Owl - Today at 2:12 AM
Still a loser.

PhilHarmony - Today at 2:13 AM
Whatever you say, pig-owl

Wild Owl - Today at 2:15 AM
Sucks to suck, eh Phil?

PhilHarmony - Today at 2:16 AM
So, did you see t********'s picture or not?

Wild Owl - Today at 2:16 AM
Negative. Not my scene.

PhilHarmony - Today at 2:16 AM
Or those of that FYROM lady, A**** W******?

Wild Owl - Today at 2:17 AM
I dont do that s***

PhilHarmony - Today at 2:17 AM
R**** S*****?

Wild Owl - Today at 2:17 AM
I dont play games to watch womens naked pics

PhilHarmony - Today at 2:17 AM
I get it, you are gay, Owly, right?

Wild Owl - Today at 2:18 AM
Lol. My wife would have said something if i was

PhilHarmony - Today at 2:18 AM
You can't call a rubber doll wife

Wild Owl - Today at 2:19 AM
You? Still single and lonely?

PhilHarmony - Today at 2:19 AM
Single but not lonely
I date

Wild Owl - Today at 2:19 AM
Poor woman.
Or is it a man?

PhilHarmony - Today at 2:20 AM
They don't complain. But they are real woman, not like that rubber doll you call wife. They have nothing but love for me.
That's because I have nuthin' but love for them.

Wild Owl - Today at 2:21 AM
Thats what they all say as long as they get paid.

PhilHarmony - Today at 2:21 AM
I never pay for sex. I get "payed" sometime thou

Wild Owl - Today at 2:22 AM

PhilHarmony - Today at 2:22 AM
But I'm not a prostitute, they "pay" me taking us to restaurants, clubs...
Enjoying life...

Wild Owl - Today at 2:22 AM
Do you want a medal for that

PhilHarmony - Today at 2:23 AM
Something you know nothing of - enjoying life

Wild Owl - Today at 2:23 AM
Well im glad you have fun, phil

PhilHarmony - Today at 2:24 AM
I do. You?

Wild Owl - Today at 2:24 AM
Keep phailing. Ill be watching.
More than you can imagine(edited)

PhilHarmony - Today at 2:25 AM
Go kiss some eLatvian a**** and then come back. (edited)

Wild Owl then went away, coming after some time, to post another line:

Wild Owl - Today at 2:42 AM
Lol. Try harder, tryhard

When I told him the interview was over and that I will publish soon, he adde😛

Wild Owl - Today at 2:44 AM
Thanks for the free publicity though. Looking forward to it.

And that's it, folks.
Thanks for reading, comments, endorsements and shouts appreciated.

Yours truly
Phil Harmony